Part; 31

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The next days I mostly spent alone on my room. It had come to Mcgongall's attention that I was skipping classes, so the other day she came by my room. Luckly my body agreed with my heart, being heartbroken actually was a sickness. She looked at me worried as I laid down in my bed. She sat down on my side. «You're so pale, have you eaten anything at all?» She said sounding just like my mother. She placed her hand at my forehead. «You don't feel good, do you?» She said as she looked thoughtful. Now Fred and Ginny stood in the door closely watching over what happend. Fred had been so sweet ever since Draco left. Every now and then, I wondered if it really was suppose to be him, and that everything that had happend had just affected my judgment. Mcgonagall stopped in the door, and I could see them having a short conversation before Mcgonagall placed her hand at Ginny's shoulder as she walked off. Ginny sat down at my bed and gave me the look she had gave me the last few days. The look were she actually said 'You needed to pull yourself together, because no boy is worth this'. And normally I would agree. But something inside me didn't. I felt sick, and my fever only got worse and worse. Fred kissed my forehead and looked at Ginny before he went to his own room. Ginny pulled my duvet, and laid down beside me. We both laid there for a moment without saying anything. «You really miss him huh?» She said softly as she turned towards me. I turned to see her smiling at me hoplessly. «He didn't even say goodbye» I said as I exhaled.

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