Part; 35

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POV Draco;

2 of may, 1998

'Cause I have no right to love you
When I chose to walk away
I have no right to miss you
When I didn't wanna stay
And I have no right to need you
When I knew what my heart was gonna lose
I have no right to love you
But I do, I still do'

I needed to get to her, I needed to warn her. The last weeks since I left her I felt hollow. I knew my parents would never approve of her, not after everything that had happend. My dad would kill her without a secound thought. My heart was diveded between wanting to protect her by letting her be, and me not being able to stay away from her. Our house had always been used as a base for Voldemort, and I had seen things people could never imagine. But ever since I met her, there was a light at every tunnel. And everything that mattered to me was her. 'As long as she was safe, things that happend around me was just background music. She was my only melody'. My mark stinged. I knew it was coming, and if I was to get to her, I had to move fast. My imagination took us to a quiet beach, we could flee before anyone saw us, and I could be with her without having to worry about her getting hurt. But I knew, she would never leave her friends behind, and I would never tell her about that plan, because I didn't want her to see me like that. Like a coward. I knew the only person who could help me was Snape, and the rumors said he had fleed from the school. But I knew he would stay close. Snape had something in his eyes, I couldn't put my finger on it, but he had something in his eyes that very few that was a part of the dark side had left.

My first thought was the boat house. It was dark, I realized that I'd never really been to this part of the school. I could hear distant chatter. As I recognized the voices I didn't get closer. I hid behind a old big boat in a safe distance. Voldemort sounded scared. I couldn't hear the details. The elder wand didn't work for him, not like he thought anyway. Snape talked calm, and tried to convince him that the wand would work for him. That was when I knew, and I think Voldemort did too. Snape wasn't rooting for the dark side. He was protecting Harry. But what I also remeberd was something Emma had said to me in the library, she went on and on about 'the deathly hallows'. I went through what I remebered. 'They consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered unbeatable;'. The only reason that the elder wand didn't work for Voldemort was because it didn't answare to him. What happend afterwards went quick. Voldemort left as soon as he was assured that Snape couldn't surive. I rushed toward him, he was at his last breaths. «Draco, you need to protect her» He stammerd. His eyes was filled with guilt, for the first time I understood how wrong we had been about him. He grabbed my wrist. «Who?» I said as I gave him a hesitant look. I tried to keep pressure to his wounds, but we both understood that his time was over. «Emma» He said, and as he said it I struggled to catch my breath. Tears rolled down his face, and he didn't take his eyes away from me. «Take them, take them Draco, give them to Harry, he needs to take them to the Pensieve» He stammerd. I found a little bottle I had in my back pocket from a potion class. «She is the only one who can destroy it, but if he finds out. He'll kill her» Snape said at his last breath. He fell down on the ground, and seeing his lifeless stif body effected me more than I thought. As I heard a loud noise, I knew, they had gotten in, and I had to get to her before anyone else could. But I needed to know what I gave for Potter to see.

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