| Chapter 1 |

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Unbearable people, exaggerated drama, and artificial teenage love.

Three things that Rebecca can easily correlate with the word "school". This of course is also along with, unpleasant smells, overpacked hallways, and slamming lockers. Not to mention the drugs, drinking, and any other—more than likely—illegal antics you can think of.

When she walked through the front doors and began navigating through the halls, her eyes roamed around, looking for anyone she was remotely close with. She witnessed laughs, friendly shoves, and kissing. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the very obvious and carefree displays of affection.

She never understood why teenagers would get into relationships in high school, she knew there was absolutely no way that they knew what love was at such a young age. She knew it was purely just lust and raging hormones. At this age, nobody really knew who they were or had anything in their life figured out. Those relationships were going to end and people were just going to end up heartbroken or in some cases, someone was going to end up pregnant. Getting into a relationship now just seemed pointless.

She continued walking through the halls and noticed an abundance of people she didn't feel like conversing with. She saw three things, individuals she knew but didn't like, people she knew of but they didn't know of her, and some random faces she didn't care to find out about. All without her being able to find a single person she could actually carry a conversation with.

As she made her way over to her locker, she finally saw someone that—more often than not—didn't want to make her grab the nearest object and poke her eyes out. Her gaze met with Ashley's and Rebecca immediately knew what she was up to. She was standing at the other end of the hallway with a random jock, whispering something into his ear. She broke eye contact with Rebecca to look at him with a smirk while she pulled away from her previous position. She started walking over to Rebecca after she shot him one final wink and Rebecca stared at her with an evidently displeased face, shaking her head.

"What's up with Football over there?" Rebecca often made it a game to associate Ashley's boy toys with some easy name or object. That way she didn't have to recall names, especially due to the fact that Ashley drops at least one guy like a hot potato every day.

Ashley let out a small laugh and leaned against the locker next to Rebecca, while Rebecca started putting in her lock combination. "I'm bored. I guess he's just the catch of the day."

Rebecca paused before opening her locker, looking over at Ashley with a mix of disgust and confusion. She knew better than to be shocked by Ashey's antics but she just couldn't wrap her head around that type of mindset.

Rebecca blinked a few times and then looked back to her locker. She opened the door and began rearranging her belongings. She found herself shaking her head at Ashley's comment throughout the entire process, "Ash, you can not be serious."

"What?" Ashley curled her hair around her finger with a smirk, casually winking to a different jock that happened to walk by, "It's not like I'm doing something illegal."

"Yet." Rebecca went to close her locker and continue berating Ashley but was interrupted by someone practically tackling her from behind, wrapping their arms around her.

"It's my favourite Becca!" The voice was sweet and exuberant, and although Rebecca wasn't particularly one for hugs, she couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her face.

"It's my favourite hugger!" Rebecca's play on an enthusiastic voice wasn't quite up to par with Pamela's natural happiness, but it was good enough for the time being.

Rebecca turned around to face Pamela and met a worried look instead of her typical smile, "Becca are you cheating on me?"

Rebecca tilted her head in confusion and Pamela grabbed her shoulders, looking at Rebecca intensely, "I'm your only hugger."

Ashley shook her head and saw what was coming. She grabbed a nail file from her purse and began ignoring the scene that was unfolding.

Rebecca laughed at Pamela and shook her head, "Well, let me ask you something then. Are you cheating on me?" Rebecca stared inquisitively and crossed her arms for effect, "Because I should be your only Becca."

Pamela dropped her hands from Rebecca's shoulders and stared with wide eyes while looking at her with a shocked expression, "How did you find out?!"

Rebecca placed a hand on her chest and opened her mouth in disgust. "Did this mean nothing to you?!" She motioned between the two with her free hand.

"Listen Becca," Pamela shrugged slowly and looked at her in despair. "It's not you, it's me."

"Are you two done yet?" Ashley interrupted with a sigh and an eye roll. She stopped leaning on the locker and filing her nails, before straightening out her tight black skirt and readjusting her—just as equally tight—red tank top.

Rebecca looked over at Ashley and took a bow, "And, scene."

Ashley stared unimpressed with the duo's humour. Rebecca looked back over at Pamela and the two broke out into laughter while Pamela smothered Rebecca in another hug.

Then the sudden sounds of high heel clicks filled the hallways and Rebecca didn't even need to look to know who was coming.

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