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•the turn•

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the turn

 "YOU NEED TO eat something, Blythe," the High Warlock of Brooklyn tries to urge her. He places a plate loaded with delicious waffles before her. Usually she would have attacked them by now, but this time she pushes them away. "I am not hungry." Magnus sighs and sits by the chair closest to her. "It is a hard decision that Clary needs to make, I am aware of that, but she will choose what is right."

In response, Blythe slams her hands on the table. "Then why do I not get a say in this? Simon is as good my friend as he's hers!" Tears stream down her face, but they were no longer of sadness. Those have dried up a while ago. These tears were of hopelessness. Magnus lays his hand on top of hers and glances into her eyes with his cat-shaped ones. "Clary is one of the Nephilim. It is their call since the body is now in the Institute's possession. Unfortunately, a Mundane with the Sight who happens to know the victim in question has no authority there."

Blythe wipes her new tears away and sniffles. Her cheeks were red from rubbing the tears from them and her eyes were red and swollen. "It's so unfair." The warlock stands up from his seat and squats by the side of her chair. His hand, adorned with many rings, runs softly through her hair. "I know. But.. I am certain Clary will let you hear as soon as the decision is made." The girl nods slowly and turns her head to meet Magnus' face. "Thank you, Magnus."


"SO.. YOU DECIDED to let him resurrect," Blythe whispers slowly. She had the phone pressed between her shoulder and her ear, listening intently to Clary as she explains through gasps and hiccups the difficult decision she made. "Yes.. Oh, Blythe, it was awful to decide. Just.. just awful, but I had no other choice. Eventually, I thought Simon might be better off a vampire than a dead body. What.. What do you think?"

Blythe sighs as she shifts her phone from one ear to the other. "To be honest.. I don't know. I mean, we aren't exactly of the age to be talking about our will and that sort of thing. And, typically, a will doesn't include a part that says 'after my death I want to be a vampire or not' section." She was interrupted in her call when someone knocks on the door of her bedroom. Magnus walks in with a tray of dinner in his arms, but halts in the entrance when he sees her on the phone.

"You can come tonight, if you want? I know we haven't really been able to include you in the decision, but maybe, well, I don't know-" Clary stutters. She was obviously very tired, emotionally drained and conflicted. She would need all the support she could get and someone who was as close to Simon as she was might be able to relate more than a figure like Jace, who had constantly been annoyed by their geeky friend, or Raphael, who didn't care about Simon nor what happened to him if it didn't impact his clan. "I'm coming. W-what about that Jewish graveyard that's close to our high school? Y-You know, for him.." Blythe's voice breaks. She swallows away the tears that threaten to escape her eyes.

Clary let a sob escape and responds with a tight voice that it was a good idea. They end their call and Blythe turns to Magnus with her tear stained face. The warlock places the tray in his hands on her side table and sits down on the mattress besides her. "Clary's made the decision to let him resurrect?" Blythe nods while her face scrunches up with new tears in her shimmering eyes. She buries her head in his chest, wraps her arms tightly around his torso and let herself go. Sobs rake through her, shaking her body with each heave. Magnus wraps his arms around her too and shushes her gently. "Shh, it's alright. Let it all out."

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