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long time no see!

BLYTHE KEEPS THE stack of paper tightly tucked against her as she marches confidently into the New York Institute. It had been a little while since she had been there, but it was still all the same.

She looks hastily through the papers that she brought, all with scrambled notes that she took out of the Book of the White. None of them were direct clues, but maybe the Shadowhunters were able to get something out of it.

Besides, it had been too long since she had last seen Magnus and this was the perfect excuse to seek him out since he started living there.

She walks through the hallway towards the ops center. Her presence in the Institute has been so often that none of the Shadowhunters look up anymore when they see a Mundane strolling by. Blythe looks around but wasn't able to find Magnus yet, nor Clary.

"Yo, Herondale!"

The girl spins on her heels when she hears the familiar name. She turns around to see Jace walking by, but stopping in the middle of the room as a young woman approaches him. The girl is very pretty. She was obviously of Asian descent, her long sleek hair put together in a tight ponytail and the marks of the Nephilim curling on her skin.

The two start chatting. They went on for a while until Jace looked up for a moment and noticed Blythe. He mutters something to the girl and then stretches out his upper body, waving at her. "Hey Blythe," Jace yells, beckoning her to come closer.

Blythe sheepishly comes near. Her cheeks become a little red in nervous embarassment. Jace notices and decides to take the first step. "Aline, this is Blythe. She's a friend of Clary's. Blythe, this is Aline Penhallow. Daughter of the Consul."

The brunette extends her hand to the Shadowhunter. Her hand is tiny, but her fingers contract tightly around the skin of her hand as she shakes it firmly. "It's nice to meet you," Blythe responds. Aline let go of her hand and Blythe tries to hide the flinch of pain coming from her throbbing hand.

Aline smiles at her politely, although her dark eyes were saddened. "You too. I have heard a lot about you."

That made Blythe raise her eyebrows. She wasn't aware that she might be a familiar name to some Nephilim. More often she felt like a dirty secret muffled away by the New York Shadowhunters, considering she wasn't event supposed to walk so freely through their home. 

"You.. have?"

Aline nods her head. A solemn smile makes its way onto her face. "From.. Sebastian. The actual one. He is.. was my cousin. He talked a lot about you since you left London," she says. It was obvious that the loss of her cousin was still a painful subject.

Blythe's heart squeezes painfully. It felt as if there was barbed wire wrapped around the tissue of her heart, constricting upon hearing his name. Aline shrugs her shoulders, her face going back to an impassive look.

She was putting on a mask.

"I see.. I am so sorry for your loss."

Aline balances her weight on another foot, looking down at the floor with her arms crossed. When she raises her head again her eyes look headstrong. "I am done grieving once I've avenged his death, which is also why I'm here."

Blythe just then notices the tension between Aline and Jace. She lowly whistles, taking a rather large step back. "Okay, uh, I'm going to try and find Magnus and Alec right now. I will see you all later. And it was great to meet you, Aline. Perhaps we'll speak with each other soon."

Blythe hurriedly walks away. She was unable to find Magnus and Alec just yet and ended up talking to Underhill, a Shadowhunter that was not much older than her, when she heard Clary in the training room. After knowing her for so many years she knew just what her enraged friend would sound like.. and it did not sound good.

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