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the secret of uncle blair

WHOEVER COMPLAINED ABOUT hangovers in her presence ever again would experience a right earful from her

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WHOEVER COMPLAINED ABOUT hangovers in her presence ever again would experience a right earful from her. Nothing could compare to the headache that she experienced. It was as if someone took her brain from her head, pounded it with a sledgehammer and then decided that it was still not enough torture and so they bulldozed it, putting it back in her skull afterwards.

Blythe wakes up on a couch and when her eyes opened, she could spot five pairs of eyes on her. "As if that is no creepy way to wake up," she groans. Her entire body feels sore as she tries to sit up. Magnus kneels down by her side and attempts to help her sit up, but she pulls her body away from him. "Hey, don't touch me, stranger. And don't offer me a ride in your van as well while you're at it." Alec rolls his eyes and he stares at his comrades. "At least her bad sense of humor hasn't gone away."

The girl narrows her eyes at him. "Great, Mr Grumpy Cat is here as well. What an absolute delight to wake up to your face." She looks around the room, recognizing it as the living room of the condo that the warlock had taken her to. "Where are we, exactly?" "My apartment," Magnus responds.

Clary looks at him with a pointed look. "Blythe's awake. Now you tell us why you've taken her or else we use those Accords against you." Blythe sits up straight and looks at the strange man. She was wondering as well why he took her. After all, she was just a Mundane. It was Clary who was special, not her. Magnus sighs deeply. "I guess the time has come, then. I'm surprised it took seven years before it happened, really." Leaving his guests in confusion, the warlock goes into his study and grabs a folder of documents.

He slams it against Alec's chest, lingering his hand on the Shadowhunter's chest. The boy looks at him with an eyebrow raised, but Magnus winks at him and crosses the room to sit in one of his lounge chairs. "I've known Blythe since she was eleven. Her father came with he-" The girl interrupts, already not believing Magnus Bane. She's been in the adoption or foster system since she was a baby, never knowing her biological parents. Her father couldn't have possibly been with her, let alone go to this sparkly warlock together.

"That's bullshit, I don't know my father." Magnus smiles sadly at her. "That is because you don't know the whole truth. As I was saying, Blythe was taken to me by her father and he requested my services. He was worried about his daughter's safety as his wife had made very powerful people angry and he feared that, now his wife was dead, they would go after his child. Your father wasn't afraid to die if it meant protecting you, Blythe. He was a good man.."

Blythe looks at him. She was feeling rather conflicted. This man, this stranger, was telling her that all her memories were wrong. That her father had been with her until she was at least eleven, if not longer. He would die if it meant that she would be alive. Truthfully, she didn't know what to say or believe anymore. In the meantime, Alec was reading through the contract that Magnus provided him and his eyebrows were raised rather high. He shows the documents to his sister, who releases a gasp.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now