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the massacre

"I'M HEADING OUT," Blythe says as she exits her room and heads straight to the front door. She attempts to pull the door open, but it wouldn't budge. A frustrated look washes over her face as she looks over her shoulder.

Lorenzo was laying on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table. He holds his hand in the air, magic visible around the tips of his fingers all down to his wrist. He raises an eyebrow at her while a smirk lurks in the corner of his lips.

"And where are you going?"

Blythe crosses her arms before her chest. Their eyes meet, those of Blythe filled with annoyance. "What does it matter to you," she asks. She couldn't resist the temptation of being snarky with him. He deserved it for all that he did against Magnus. Taking his apartment from her was the last straw for her.

Lorenzo smiles, but Blythe didn't believe for a second that he meant his smiling expressions. "Well, because the only reason I allowed you to stay is because I agreed with Magnus that you need protection. However, seeing you walk around so freely makes me question how much danger you are actually in," he says. The warlock shrugs his shoulders casually. Both of his hands envelop the mug in his hands.

"I mean, it isn't as if I've been kidnapped thrice already since the moment I learned of this Shadow world," Blythe responds sarcastically. Lorenzo shrugs again. He puts the mug in his hands down on the coffee table and crosses his arms too. "Once by a man who is now long dead and once by a demon who is banished to Edom," he remarks.

Blythe narrows her gaze on him. "What are you fishing for, Lorenzo," she asks. He was pretending to her as if he was not actually fishing to get a certain reaction or response from her, which she was certain that he was. "I just wanted to suggest handling your safety with a little bit more.. care. For example, not leaving the protective wards of your home," he suggests.

The brunette balls her fist. Her nails were leaving prints on the palm of her hand, but she didn't care nor feel it. "I'm not going to let you dictate what I'm doing with my life. You're not my father."

"No, because your father is dead."

His words were swift, but nonetheless painful. Like a stab to the heart. Silence settles between them in the wake of his words.

Blythe was literally shaking. "That's low and you know it," she remarks. She was visibly shaking from the rage that was boiling underneath her skin.

But Lorenzo would not back down. He keeps his dark eyes focused on her. On Magnus those eyes were always so kind and joyous. Lorenzo's just looked bitter.

"No, I'm just stating facts. Magnus told me your father died protecting you from whatever your mother has done and whoever she made into her enemy," his response was. He didn't even seem near apologetic for taunting her with her dead father.

But Magnus told her not to make him her enemy. As long as she was living underneath his roof and inside his protective wards they had to get along, or at least live amicably alongside each other.

Blythe sucks in a deep breath. She calms her anger down until it just simmers. "Well, if you're so eager to know, I am heading over to my friend Simon. Don't wait up."

"I wasn't planning on it."


BLYTHE WAS HOPPING from one foot onto the other. Her body was unable to stand still. After all the grieving, sleeplessness and misery she was excited to just spend a day with one of her friends like she used to. 

Before all this stuff began.

She knocks on the beaten down wooden door and waits patiently for her friend to open it. A few moments later Simon appears in the door opening. "Hey Simon, ready for our day together?"

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now