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the resurrection

LILITH HAD JACE bind her with rope onto a chair and told him to stand guard by her side. Blythe tried to escape from her bindings, but it was of no use. Especially not with Jace breathing down her neck and keeping an eye onto her every move. She felt so relieved when Lilith had him leave, but that feeling quickly made way for dread when she sent him to Idris. 

He was getting Clary.

She trashed against her restraints, but Lilith warned her not to move or damage herself or that she would put her to sleep. Blythe didn't like the sound of being unconscious in the presence of this demon and chose to quit her attempts to break free.

Lilith walks around the room, carefully caressing the pieces of antiques that were displayed all around. She kept her gaze on the restrained girl, assessing her quietly.

"Blythe Fawles.. I have heard your name far too many times."

The demon walks over to her, towering above her seated figure. Blythe had to strain her neck in order to look her in the eyes, but what she saw in them terrified her. Dark, empty nothingness. Like staring into an abyss. She even thought she could see snakes crawling in them for a second, but hoped that it was just a hallucination, a side effect of her obvious concussion.

"You can't imagine how flattered I am to hear that," she snarls sassily in response. Lilith let out a humorless chuckle. She stares down at the Mundane girl. "You are too impudent for your own good. One flick of my finger and I could squash you like a bug."

Blythe smirks. "But since you won't, I guess I have the upper hand." Lilith responds to her words with a grimace. She was starting to get annoyed with this measly Mundane girl in front of her. "Do not mistake my reasonings, little girl. It is because your name was one of the last my son uttered with his dying breath that you are still alive."

"Jonathan. Your son is Jonathan," Blythe states aloud what she had been thinking since Jace's strange words back in the loft.

Lilith smirks again. "Correct. It seems you are the littlest bit smarter than your other friends. That is the only good thing you have going for yourself, I guess."

Blythe scoffs. "I wonder what Jonathan would have to say about you insulting me. Guess he won't like that too much, or would he, mother-in-law," she taunts the demon. Lilith let out a frustrated growl and walks away. When she was a safe distance away Blythe releases a sigh of relief. At least the demon was away from her for now.

Her thoughts start racing back to the loft. Magnus, Alec and Izzy must be dying of worry by now. She just hoped they could find a way to break the hold on Jace for good. Blythe noticed that Lilith was relying on Jace for quite a bit of her dirty work while she stayed here to protect the tomb on the balcony.

She hadn't had a closer look to the thing before, but all things considered she had come to the conclusion that it was Jonathan. That single thought send her emotions haywire. At first she felt a pang of hurt for thinking about the man he impersonated. The first guy she ever truly liked.

Then came the anger. She was so pent up with unspoken rage about what Jonathan had done to Sebastian and to her friends, to her. In the aftermath there was barely time to explore all her pain since the nightmares began then. 

But above everything, fear is what struck her most. She knew Jonathan would go after her if he was resurrected by his bitch demon-mother. If she was one of the last people he called for with his last breath she was quite certain he was still into her, no matter how disgusting it sounds.

Blythe didn't know how much time had passed when the front doors opened. Jace was dragging Clary inside, who was wearing this orange prisoner suit. Clary seemed startled to find her best friend there and tried to reach out to her, but Jace was keeping her in her place.

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