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•i trust you•

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i trust you

SEBASTIAN SEETHES AS he holds up the small knife in front of his father. "Trust you? It goes both ways. I found this under your pillow." Valentine excuses himself by explaining it was a force of habit, that he was a wanted man who must always be prepared for the next fight. Valentine begins to speak. "Soon, I will no longer be regarded as the enemy. I will be seen as a hero, and so will you. Isn't that what you want?"

The blonde inhales deeply. "Yes. Yes, it is," he responds. "Good. We are gonna achieve great things together, Jonathan." Valentine grabs his son by his shoulder and squeezes it, almost like a normal father and son moment. As he begins to walk away Sebastian turns to watch his back and speaks up. "You have to leave the apartment this evening. I don't care where you go, but you must be gone by seven."

Valentine stops and glances over his shoulder. "And what might be the occasion, Jonathan?" He notices the smile that creeps onto his face. A smile he has only seen once before. "Blythe is coming over. First we're gonna catch a movie, then go out for dinner. After that I will be taking her here. Which is why you can not be here." Sebastian clasps his hands together behind his back. A devilish glint appears in his charming blue eyes, a smirk dancing on the corner of his lips.

"Actually, stay away the entire night."


THE DOOR TO his appartment bangs against the wall as Sebastian throws it open. His lips were locked with Blythe's and one of his arms was snared around her waist, pulling her closer. Blythe made no movement to put any distance between them either. She clings onto his jacket and pulls him flush against her.

Sebastian kicks the door shut with his foot. He only parts from Blythe's touch to get rid of his jacket. They make their way through the appartment while laughing and shedding themselves of their clothes. Blythe falls down with her back on his bed, but since she was still clutching Sebastian he fell along with her. The two of them errupt into laughter as they both fall, Sebastian on top of her. "That was graceful," Blythe jokes, holding one hand before her mouth to hide her smile while the other was resting in the nape of the blonde's neck. Sebastian joins in her laughter and starts placing kisses from her ear down her jaw and to her throat. His hands bundle her shirt and starts pulling it up, with Blythe's hands joining in to take the shirt off. Now she was just in her underwear and jeans and so was Sebastian.

As his lips travel closer downwards Blythe stops him. "Sebastian, I-I have to tell you.. I have never done something like this before." The blonde raises his head. His piercing blue eyes meet hers with gentleness shining through them. "Me neither.. not with anyone like you. But I will be very gentle with you. Do you trust me?" Blythe looks down at him by the waistband of her jeans, her hair splayed on the cushion. "I trust you, Sebastian."

The Shadowhunter smiles at her while his fingers work on the buttons and zipper of her jeans. Quickly enough the remaining articles of clothing were laying on the floor of his apartment as well and much time later the two lay spent between the warm blankets.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now