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magnus bane

"SO YOU'RE GOING to meet some wizard guy who might have taken your memories, paying him a necklace in the hopes he undoes his magic trick," Blythe asks over the phone as she picks the filth from under her fingernails

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"SO YOU'RE GOING to meet some wizard guy who might have taken your memories, paying him a necklace in the hopes he undoes his magic trick," Blythe asks over the phone as she picks the filth from under her fingernails. "He's a warlock, not a wizard," Clary corrects her, but the other girl didn't care. "Wizard, warlock, witches.. they all have magic, so what's the difference," the other girl mumbles.

Clary chuckles, one of the few moments she could laugh these past days. Especially after everything that transpired between her and Simon the last time they spoke and saw each other. "Well, wizards and witches are in books like Harry Potter while warlocks are the real deal. They, apparently, are half-demon, half-mundane and are immortal." She couldn't see it, but Blythe was shrugging her shoulders.

"But, are you coming or not," the redhead asks. She was staring at herself in the mirror of Isabelle's room, checking out the dress that the Shadowhunter had picked out for her. It was hugging her figure like a glove, pushing forward her chest area and creating cleavage that she had never exposed before. The length of the dress barely fell over her mid-thigh, but she somehow feels fierce and strong wearing something like this. 

"Sure, I've nothing else to do. Though I am not certain my wardrobe is made to go to Downworlder parties." Blythe glances at the wardrobe that stands against the wall of her bedroom, next to her bathroom door. It was basically filled with jeans and shirts, with the occasional dress and two skirts. Nothing too fancy or wild, so she wouldn't really blend in with the crowd of excessive Downworlders..

"Izzy surely has something you can wear. You're almost the same size," Clary says as she angles her head, holding her phone steady between her ear and shoulder while her hands smooth out any wrinkles and pull the dress in the way she likes it to fit. Blythe scoffs at her response. "Be honest, Clary. That girl has curves, yes, but she's much thinner than me." The redhead gasps in indignation. "That is not true! You're beautiful the way you are, Blythe. Believe me, I wish I had your curves."

This had been an issue for Blythe since she started puberty and her body was starting to grow more curvaceous. She called it being 'fat' and 'plus-sized', but Simon and Clary tried to convince her all these years that she is beautiful she way she is and that this is who she is, but she was still insecure about her figure. 

"Listen, come to the Institute and try on some of her outfits. There must be something you like." Blythe sighs, but she agrees to come around. "See you soon, then. And don't forget to bring your medicine!" Clary ends the phone call, already excited to see Blythe again. She rushes to find Isabelle, busy to dress up in a silver sequin dress. "Hey, can Blythe lend some clothes from you? She's going too."

Isabelle looks up. "Is bringing your Mundane friend to a Downworlder rave really the best idea, Clary? There are werewolves there that can hurt her, vampires that can encanto and bite her, Seelies that can drug her on faerie drugs or toy with her and the list goes on. She doesn't have the protection of runes that we do," she explains, trying to get Clary to change her thoughts, but she did not agree. "No, we're in this together. She's one of my best friends and I'm not going without her."

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now