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•don't take drinks from a stranger in a bar•

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don't take drinks from a stranger in a bar

IT IS A busy night for the Hunter's Moon. Maia is tending to the bar and pouring drinks left and right. A couple of werewolves are making use of the pool table. Two vampires make a toast with their glasses filled with plasma in the corner of the room. 

Blythe also notices the Lightwoods sitting down at a table. She is surprised to see Jace among them. Clary told her that he was going for treatment to the Silent City just a few days ago. She didn't tell her all of the details and Blythe didn't want to know them either. Was he back already?

A couple of minutes later they were joined by a dark skinned guy. He must be the boyfriend of Isabelle that Clary was talking about the last time they called each other.

Blythe caresses the glass with beer in her hands thoughtlessly. She had gone to the bar to enjoy herself, but here she felt more on her own than ever. She was staring down most of the time, only looking up to look around or when Alec passed by her for a quick hello before putting down his order with Maia.

Simon was in the bar too. He told her hello when she entered, but she noticed how on edge he was and decided to leave him alone. They all had their own problems nowadays and she wouldn't want to mingle too much.

She was deep in thought when a rough hand was placed on her shoulders. Blythe looks up and sees Luke smiling down at her. "Blythe, it's good to see you here." He tries to hide the grimace on his face when he notices how tired she looks, but Blythe notices it. They all looked like that.

Luke leaves her to her own again and goes to talk with Maryse. Blythe lifts her glass to her lips and takes a swig from her beer, emptying it out. Hours pass by. It was a little before midnight and Blythe could feel the alcohol muddling her brain by then.

"Hey Maia, can I get another please?"

Blythe sits back onto her stool after leaning over the bar to get the bartender's attention. She hadn't taken notice of a figure that was approaching her. "-For me too, please. And put it on my charge."

The brunette looks up to meet the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen in her life, though she did not know how much the levels of alcohol in her system were influencing that thought. His skin was very pale. A few small golden curls sweep over his forehead. The most peculiar thing was that the tips of his hair seem silver.

His hair was short, which make his pointed ears more noticeable yet not overly attention seeking. He was wearing a simple combination of dark cotton pants that reach to his calves and a wide white dress shirt with a deep neckline that leaves quite a bit of chest for view. The strangest thing is that he was barefoot.

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