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•almost like a soap series•

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almost like a soap series

"WELCOME, BLYTHE. PLEASE, take a seat." Blythe lingers in the doorway. Magnus was sitting comfortably in a seat while Aldertree leans with his back against the desk. Both were now looking at her. Blythe shuffles awkwardly towards the remaining free seat next to Magnus. Her hands were laying in her lap. She toyed with her fingers and showed she wasn't comfortable. Aldertree shows her a warm smile, but she didn't trust him at all. Then, the Shadowhunter turns his gaze towards Magnus. "Your punishment is yet to be decided, but we will inform you in due time. We are done, Mr. Bane. So, I ask of you to leave."

Magnus smirks and shakes his head. Glitter rains down on the back rest. Blythe seems to notice a slight twitch of annoyance in Aldertree's face, but if it was there he masked it again quickly. "I want to be here while you question her," Magnus remarks. "Unfortunately, that is not how this works, Mr. Bane." Magnus cocks his head sideways. He speaks calmly and with confidence. "She is my ward. Blythe is new to the Shadowworld. I can assist her in her story since she told me everything. You also managed to get her quite defensive the few times you met her, while I have her trust. Letting me stay would only be in your benefit."

Blythe sees how Aldertree was overthinking Magnus' words. She was honestly shocked by his ability to even make this stubborn Shadowhunter sway to his side. "I accept, but only this once. As a show of my.. compliance. For the sake of defeating Valentine, of course." He turns towards Blythe once more. "Well, let's begin. Tell me, how did you get kidnapped by Valentine Morgenstern?" Blythe leans back in her seat. "I was in Jade Wolf when I got a text from Magnus that he was to be Isabelle's attorney in her trial. He wanted me to go home so I would be safe in the wards while he was gone. I said goodbye to Luke and left through the back entrance. While walking I was on my phone and didn't see someone creep up on me. I fought, but they knocked me unconscious. When I woke up, I was in a cage."

Aldertree rubs his chin. "I see. Did Valentine visit you, aside from the.. scene he put on in the Institute?" Blythe shakes her head. "No. He let the Circle members take care of me, because I annoyed him." Victor scoffs. "You said Magnus wanted you at his apartment for safety. What does a Mundane with the Sight, such as yourself, have to fear?" Blythe freezes. This conversation was about Valentine. Why did this suddenly matter for that case? She glances at Magnus, who remains calm and collective. "I don't see what this has to do with finding Valentine. We all know his motive since he, quite directly, expressed that through the Portal. That question is in no way, shape or form interesting for the reason why you asked her here."

Victor nods his head, but both Blythe and Magnus see the smile that was resting on his features. He knew he had something there and he was going to figure it out. Aldertree crosses his arms over his broad chest and resumes his questioning. "Of course. Blythe, not many succeed in leaving Valentine's capture alive. We, unfortunately, have many dead Seelie scouts and Nephilim to prove so. How did you escape Valentine?" Blythe was still tense. She crossed her arms too, squeezing and unclenching her grip on her own arm. Her jaw was clenched and she looked overall stiff. "One of the two guards during my feeding left. I attacked the other with a bowl of soup and knocked him out. Then I took his key, unlocked the cage and found my way on the deck of Valentine's ship. He was just getting ready to leave through a Portal. It was my only chance to escape, so I made a run for it and jumped after him. Luckily, we didn't end up in the same place."

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