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•the pretty lies, the ugly truth•

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the pretty lies, the ugly truth

THE FOLLOWING MORNING Blythe and Magnus slept in late after a long night of watching a marathon of some sappy romcom show on the television. The brunette woke up from the chiming of her phone. She rolls onto her stomach and grabs for the device on her nightstand. When she sees who was calling her she didn't hesitate to answer.

"Sebastian, hey," she answers in a cheery tone. Hearing his voice and talking to him always made her feel happy and content. Was this how it felt to be in love? Because if it was, she never wanted that feeling to go away. "How are you?"

Sebastian chuckles, the sound sending pleasurable shivers down Blythe's spine. "I'm fine. How have you been? It feels like ages that I last saw you, though it was only yesterday." Blythe grins, feeling charmed by his use of words. She bites her lower lip and stares at the ceiling of her bedroom dreamily. "It feels the same for me. Though, do you want the truth? I feel a little sore." 

She hears Sebastian gasp in shock. He immediately started to apologize. "Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way-" Blythe cuts off his rant, feeling bad for making him feel like he needed to apologize. "No, don't be sorry. It's nothing I can't manage. Besides, it was worth it."

She could hear another chuckle ring through her ears. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I can say I did." Blythe bursts out laughing. She could just see the grin on his face already.

After they both calmed down Blythe asked how the hunt against Valentine was going. "Last night Clary and Jace recovered the Mortal Mirror. It is now in the Institute, protected by the Elite Guards." "Oh wow.. they're finally one step ahead of that evil bastard." Sebastian had to laugh at her response. "Yeah, we finally are." He let his words linger, but then shifts onto a different topic. "So, you're still up for lunch today?"

Blythe bites her lip and glances at the door. She hears rummaging in the kitchen. Magnus must have woken up too. "I'm so sorry, but with everything that is going on with the Soul Sword and the Downworld, Magnus has put me on lockdown. I can not leave."

Sebastian glances around the room in the Institute. He balls his fist, but does not let any of his frustration seep through into his voice. Max Lightwood was unconscious and in the care of the Silent Brothers, but if they managed to wake him up he would tell everyone the truth.

That their Sebastian Verlac was actually Jonathan Morgenstern in disguise. Besides that, he still didn't have the Mirror.

And now he would lose his girlfriend to that insufferably protective warlock. "Are you sure you can not sneak out? I mean, he wouldn't notice.. and you know I would never let anything happen to you."

Blythe remains silent on the other side. Sebastian balls his fist a little tighter, leaving marks from his nails behind in his skin. But eventually he heard her sigh. "I will do my best. Meet you at your apartment?" Satisfied, he smiles. "See you there." He ends the call and smirks. Magnus Bane would not be in his way. And if he was.. he would eliminate that threat as easily as he did with others.

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