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The blonde male turns around when hearing his name called. He notices the brunette that was staring at him. A young woman, probably around the age of eighteen or nineteen, with long brown hair and blue eyes framed by thick, long eyelashes. Blythe quickly glances towards the ops center, where she was originally headed to, but then looks back and starts to approach him. Her body language showed that she was hesitant as she was wringing her hands together nervously.

She halts in front of him. Her head was slightly lifted since Sebastian was a little taller than her. Her eyes lock with his blue ones. "Do you.. do you remember me?" Her voice was soft and careful. She looks hopeful at him. Sebastian furrows his eyebrows as if he was thinking very hard. "I am very sorry, but I have had a hard time recently. Unfortunately, I can't say I remember all of the past few years," he responds with a charismatic chuckle, hopefully lighting up the situation. Blythe's face fell with disappointment and she takes a step back. "Oh.. well, that-that's okay. I won't bother you any longer then," she replies as she takes another step backwards. She was about to turn around and head to the ops center again, completely mortified. Blythe had thought, had hoped, that Sebastian would have remembered her. But perhaps it was idle hope to think she stands out in the eyes of someone like him..

Sebastian takes a step forward. His slender fingers curl around her wrist and pulls her back. He gifts her a warm, gentle smile and twinkling blue eyes. "Though I would like to remember you." Blythe feels heat rush to her cheeks at his charming words and looks down at her feet. "May I ask you to come and get a drink with me sometimes," Sebastian asks. Blythe's eyes widen at him. "S-sure." Sebastian pretends not to notice her nervous behaviour and instead reaches into his pocket. He hands her his phone. "Here, put yourself into my contacts."

As Blythe adds herself to his contacts and reversed, Sebastian asks her if she would be free next evening. She answers yes in a stutter, which causes Sebastian to smile at her. He tells her that he will see her the following day, but that he has to do something. He kisses the back of her hand and once again her cheeks flare up. She mutters a soft goodbye and leaves the Institute quickly.

Sebastian watches her retreating back leave the Institute. He exits through the front doors and crosses through the city. Minutes later he arrives at the apartment that he hired. With his hand on the doorknob, Sebastian looks over his shoulder. He closes the door calmly and locks it from the inside. He throws his jacket on the back of the couch and pulls up his sleeves. There was no time to waste with this new.. occurrence in his new life.

He moves towards the door that was always locked in his apartment. Sebastian slowly opens it, letting a strip of light seep in. The hunched person on the floor flinched when the light meets the eyes that have only seen darkness recently. The person staggers back when Sebastian approaches, towering over him. "Now, now, don't be so difficult. I just have a simple question to ask. All you have to do is answer and nothing will happen." He kneels down in front of the man whose identity he had taken. The true Sebastian Verlac. He rips the ductape off his mouth. The true Sebastian inhales and exhales deeply. His eyes are showing how truly terrified he was.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now