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mama lightwood

"YOU MIGHT LEARN something useful of Jace's training if you were not constantly texting," Alec remarks as he looks down at Blythe

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"YOU MIGHT LEARN something useful of Jace's training if you were not constantly texting," Alec remarks as he looks down at Blythe. She was sitting on a bench in the training room with the Lightwood boy standing right next to her. Blythe looks up at him and her gaze was not pretty or even remotely nice. "What would I want to learn from you.. demon hunters or whatever. Besides, it is Magnus," she retorts, throwing a wink that makes Alec's cheeks flush.

"M-Magnus? Why are you texting Magnus?" He was trying to get the sentence out as effortless and uninterested as possible while not able to hide his curiosity. Blythe smiles, happy to see that her attempt to rile him up has worked. "Well, he was asking how I was doing after the big revelation. Seeing if I was still experiencing pain and so forth." Her thumbs continue to type away, a pling sounded through the room whenever she sends or receives a message. Alec rolls his eyes and mumbles something about storing his practice weapons. He already trained before Jace did.

As Blythe was too busy texting with Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn who just revealed to her that he was some sort of fairy godfather (but with the actual magic), she did not notice a stern woman with a black haired ponytail pulled so tight that it might affect her skull standing next to her, observing Jace and throwing her an occasional glare whenever her phone makes noise. 

When Jace's routine ended, he looks up and sees the woman standing there. "Maryse." He stands up and goes to hug her, watched by Clary and Isabelle. The latter had a sour look on her face. Blythe finally looks up and stores her phone after a quick text that she was busy now. "Hey. It's great to see you. How's everyone in Idris? Where's, uh, where's Max?" Isabelle takes a step forward. "No Max. Just mom with her hair on fire," she says, followed quickly by Clary, who sits down next to Blythe on the bench.

"I love how Shadowhunters share. A hidden brother, and a secret country, and a private Portal," Clary says, looking at Jace and Izzy. They didn't responds as Alec walks back into the training room. "Mother. Welcome back. We didn't expect you," he says, too hugging his mother. "You should be prepared, whether you expect me or not." Alec quickly responds to his mother. "I am. We are."

Maryse stands in the room in a way that shows her authority over everyone, even her own children. She was clearly all business today. Did Shadowhunters ever get a day off from being so stiff and serious all the time, Blythe wonders. "We'll talk about the Institute later. Right now, we have a bigger problem. The Seelies have stopped communicating with the Clave and won't explain why. My guess is they're still upset we asked them to send scouts to look for Valentine, but no one in their realm will talk." Izzy takes the courage to say something. "I have Seelie friends." Blythe frowns and a dull ache appears in the front of her skull.

Before she could question where that came from, Maryse looks at Isabelle with a scowl. "Yes, I know about your friends. Isabelle, we stay separate from the Downworld for good reasons. The wrong move, the wrong word.. Do you think there's such a thing as harmless rebellion? Who knows what offends these creatures? Maybe you told him.. them.. something they shouldn't know. Maybe you trod on one of their ridiculous customs without knowing it," Maryse goes off like firework, beating up on Izzy for reasons that seem incredibly stupid to Blythe. Jace defends her immediately and eventually they come to the conclusion that Isabelle will talk to Meliorn, one of her lovers who happens to be a Seelie ranked high with the Queen, and that Jace would go with her.

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