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•a little lonely•

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a little lonely

BLYTHE THROWS HER phone between the cushions of the couch and releases a groan. Her hands run through her hair and create more knots than it untangled. She was pacing back and forth between the furniture of Magnus' apartment. Clary has just had her mother's Rite of Mourning and was recovering from a situation she found herself in with a warlock who used dark magic. Blythe tried to get in contact with her, but she always received voicemail and was never called back. As for reaching Simon, it almost seemed more impossible than Clary. She even tried staying up to late in the night to call him since he sleeps during the day, but it was of no use. The only people she actually saw in the past couple days were Magnus and Isabelle.

It left her feeling lonely. Ever since her friends and her joined this crazy Shadowworld, Blythe felt like they have been drifting apart. Each of them was headed in a different direction now, with Clary fighting her biological father and training to be a Shadowhunter and Simon dealing with the fact that he is no longer cosplaying but actually a literal vampire. She found herself stupid and selfish for feeling left out, but she couldn't help but feel that way. Before all this drama they did everything together and now she was often benched because she was a 'Mundane'.

Blythe slides down with her back against the wall. The thud of her hitting the wooden floor was specially loud in this empty apartment. Magnus had left to meet with a client and made her promise to stay inside. He wouldn't be back until late that evening and told her to order some food. Not having Magnus around to talk with only added to her feeling of utter loneliness, but she quickly scolded herself. He already did so much for her. She couldn't take his life from him too just because she was feeling isolated. She couldn't be that whiny, unbearable person that constantly needed something from others.

She rests her head back against the wall and takes a deep breath. Stop thinking, she told herself. Don't think about that, it will only make you sad. Focus on something else, focus on the good things. However, her mantra didn't work. A single tear rolls down her cheek, soon joined by many others. She tries to calm herself down and takes a shaky breath, but it didn't help. In fact, the tears seemed to fall even quicker right now. Blythe pushes her knees against her chest and let her head be buried in the denim of her jeans. Her last barrier was broken and, like a broken dam, her tears start flowing freely.

Minutes pass on and a headache started to make itself present. Finally, she was able to make herself stop. She wipes her irritated eyes clean from tears with the sleeve of her oversized sweater. Blythe slowly stands up and heads towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Quietly, she walks back to the living room and takes small sips from the water. Her eyes waver over Magnus' gigantic bookshelf when she finds one title that was particularly interesting. An Oversight of the Downworld: Places with a Cultural and Historical Impact on the Downworld, by Ragnor Fell.

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