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the stranger by the water

"YOU'RE MAKING MARKS on my floor," Magnus complains. He was relaxing on a couch, surrounded by pillows which colours shouldn't even go together but somehow did. His cat-eyes follow Blythe as she paces up and down the apartment. "I'm just worrying about Clary and Simon, is that such a bad thing," she asks, her gaze daring him to say otherwise.

Magnus shakes his head, a few glitters in his hair falling down on the couch like tiny snowflakes. "Not at all. However, the Nephilim have this under control. It is not their first time taking out a pack of wolves." The tone of the last sentence suddenly got a lot darker and Blythe raises a curious eyebrow while Magnus focuses on picking filth from under his nails.

"What are you on about," Blythe asks. She sits down on a single chair, almost disappearing in the backrest. The flamboyant warlock sighs. "Back in the days, when Valentine was rising with his Circle, I once saw their methods of.. punishing Downworlders and it was despicable." Blythe feels shivers run up her spine and waits for Magnus to continue. The warlock looks at her with seriousness in his eyes. "This is not a pretty tale, Blythe. Are you certain?"

One simple nod was enough answers for him and he begins to tell the whole story. "In 1989, a young boy came to me. A werewolf boy, telling me that Valentine and the Circle had captured his family for crimes they didn't commit. I warned the Whitelaws, the leaders of the New York Institute back then, about them violating the Accords and confronted him myself. As I arrived, I saw him pushing silver coins into the eyes of a young werewolf girl."

Blythe's eyes widen in shock. She knew that Valentine was no sweetheart, but to torture a little girl and making her blind was just the worst of the worst. "Oh no.." Magnus nods, his mood pensive. "Valentine and I fought, until... a certain someone appeared. The Circle fled, but the damage was done. It was then that I realized I couldn't leave this mess behind and became the High Warlock of Brooklyn."

She didn't know what to say. What Valentine had done was so horrible, so despicable.. How could someone as kind and nice as Clary come from someone that evil? How could Jocelyn, the woman that Blythe often thought of as a second mother, be married to someone like that? However, she didn't get to voice her confusion, because they hear commotion down the hallway. Magnus stands up from the couch, opens the door and peeks around the corner.

He holds the door open so that Clary and Simon could drag a wounded Luke inside. Blythe jumps up from the chair, her dark eyes widened in shock. "What happened," both Magnus and Blythe ask simultaneously. "He was attacked," the boy explains. "He needs a warlock. He needs you," Clary says. Luke groans out in pain. Magnus drapes a blanket over the couch and tells them to lay him down there.

Luke was starting to hallucinate, it seems, as he mumbles. "Where are you? I can't find you." Clary calls out his name and shushes him. Putting too much strain on himself would not better the situation. "Where are.. where are you? Where are you? Jocelyn.. Jocelyn.." Clary takes his hand and places it against her cheek. "No Luke, it's Clary. Can you hear me?"

"It's going to be okay, Luke," Blythe says. She kneels down next to Clary and Simon. Luke turns to face Clary and stares deeply into her eyes. The message had to come across with her. "Clary, listen to me. Listen.. you have to listen to me. I have to tell you, just in case-" The redhead interrupts him. "No, don't even say it, don't." "No listen to me. No, you need to know! Listen-" He couldn't finish his sentence because Magnus interrupts, asking if he was bitten by an Alpha. "Yeah, why," Simon asks.

Magnus doesn't respond and after touching the wound, Luke roars in pain. His eyes turn a vibrant green for a flash. The wounded Luke yells and writhes on the couch. Magnus hurries into a different room, grabbing a few ingredients and telling the others to hold him down. "We don't have a lot of time," Magnus tells them. He puts a piece of wood between Luke's teeth for him to bite down on. "It'll take a few moments to take effect," the warlock warns.

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