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hotel dumort is a bad pun

THEY GET BACK to the van, but Simon was nowhere to be found

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THEY GET BACK to the van, but Simon was nowhere to be found. That was until they hear a voice coming from behind them. The group turns around, seeing three people on top of the roof. One, a lady, was holding Simon upside down and dangles him over the edge. One slip up and Simon's bones would be mush. It were the vampires, demanding the Mortal Cup in exchange for their friend. 

The group, now without Simon, goes back to the Institute. When Clary asks what they have to do now, Alec responds that they must report to the Clave. "Sure, because that's going to help Simon escape from those vampires," Blythe snaps. She was irritated, but even more so because she once again couldn't see anything from the Institute and a dull headache was rising up again. It did not do her mood any good, as the others could experience quite well.

Clary was in a dilemma. Even if she had the Cup, she would lose someone she loved: Simon if she gave it to Valentine for her mother and her mother if she gave the Cup to the vampires in exchange for Simon. She walks past all them into the hall where they had the computers. "Look at all this stuff, these screens. I mean, can any of this help us find Simon?" She was pointing to certain places and Blythe was rather frustrated that she couldn't see anything.

When Clary asks if they took Simon to Transylvania or something, Jace responds that they look like the people of a local clan that resides in Hotel DuMort. Blythe snorts unladylike, causing the Shadowhunters to glance at her. "Sorry, but.. Hotel DuMort? Is that supposed to be funny or am I the only one catching this?" Alec rolls his eyes while Isabelle shrugs her shoulders. "Let's say that vampires have an odd sense of humor."

"But we came back here? Why? We have to go there. Let's go, now. Come on," Clary interrupts, urging them all to get on their feet and help save Simon as soon as possible. "We need a Clave resolution for that," Alec responds, being as humorless as always. "The four of us can't declare war on the vamps all by ourselves," Isabelle enlightens them. Her brother adds to that by saying: "And we can't react without considering our options. Downworlders are slaves to their impulses. We're not."

Isabelle scolds him for stomping on all the Downworlders and suddenly they speak about Seelies and the Lightwood's 'things'. "Okay, I don't want to know about this, you know, at all," Blythe says with a sigh. "Indeed, we need to focus. Simon's been kidnapped by vampires. I guess we'll just take care of it ourselves." The two friends march towards the front door, though Blythe needed help making sure she didn't walk through some invisible wallks. 

"You're gonna get yourselves killed," Jace calls after them, but they ignored him. "And Simon too." Those last three words were what made them stop in their tracks. They look at each other, reading the same thoughts. They wouldn't mind risking their lives if it meant Simon was going to be okay, but.. killing Simon with their actions? "Then help us. While we consider other options, our best friend is suffering," Clary says. "Is that something Shadowhunters understand, or are we just being stupid little Mundanes. Not you included, of course, Clary," Blythe says, realising that her friend was a Shadowhunter now too.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now