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•canal street•

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canal street

THE APARTMENT WAS eerily quiet. Jordan was out with Praetor Lupus on a mission to catch Heidi. It left Simon on his own to blame and make himself miserable once again. He was lost in flashbacks to Clary, thinking about things as kindergarten and preschool memories. He didn't even notice the front door of his apartment opening.

Blythe drags herself inside. There was an aura of gloom and dread hanging about, but she didn't mind it much. In fact, it perfectly fit with her state of mind of the last couple of weeks. The pain of Clary's death was still so fresh. 

Without a word she ignores the knife that was embedded in the wood around the mirror and sits down on the couch besides him. She puts her hand on his knee. Simon didn't react to her gesture and Blythe could see the tears brimming in his eyes. After minutes had passed Simon finally speaks up, although with a broken voice.

"And.. what did they want?"

Blythe sighs deeply. She didn't have enough energy to tell Simon everything. The visit from Brother Josiah and Brother Enoch was exhausting enough, plus the emotional exhaustion she was feeling from grieving her best friend.

"To plunge into my brain again and dissect it like a cricket." Blythe couldn't help but sigh again. Simon slowly raises his head. Since he was a vampire he didn't need sleep, but somehow he managed to have bags underneath his dark eyes. He also seemed paler than his usual dead self. 

"And what did you say?"

Blythe let her head hang low. She didn't look him in the eyes, but Simon was looking at her. "That I didn't want it. What they might gather from my blurry memories is not worth going through that pain again."

Her friend let out a humorless chuckle. "I can imagine the Silent Brothers did not like that answer," he remarks, his voice hoarse due to not having spoken much the past couple of days. Blythe shrugs her shoulders. "No.. I think they understood my reasoning. They didn't seem convincing themselves, so they probably didn't believe in it as well."

She sighs. "I don't really want to talk anymore. Perhaps we can just.. sit here together?" Her friend nods agreeingly. He leans back and puts his arm on the backrest. Blythe leans into his cold body. She rests her head on his shoulder and feels him arm wrap around her. Together they sit there for hours in silence, though their thoughts were still very much in the present.


THE FOLLOWING MORNING the front door of Magnus' loft was slammed shut harshly. Magnus was sitting on the couch and Alec was on the ground, playing some sort of board game with a surprising guest. It was the little warlock girl Madzie. 

"Blythie!" The little girl stares at the exhausted Mundane with bright, joyful eyes. But Blythe couldn't muster the energy or happiness to act excited. Instead she heads towards her room without saying a word and shutting the door behind her. She put a lock on her door so she wouldn't be disturbed.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now