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•surprise, roomie!•

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surprise, roomie!

THE AMBER LIQUID in his glass sloshes around while Jonathan takes another sip, staring pensively at the fire that burns in the hearth. A soft squeeze on his thigh brings him back to the current. He looks down at the kneeling figure by his side.

He runs a calloused hand gently through the thick, brown curls of the woman sitting beside him. His hand then travels down. It caresses the side of her head until his hand envelops her cheek. The woman looks at him with longing in his eyes. One of her hands clutches the wrist of the hand that was touching her skin, not allowing him to move away.

But their tender moment was interrupted when Clary arrived. Jonathan drops his hand and the two of them look at the red haired Shadowhunter. "Did you miss me," she asks, facing her brother.

"I told you I did," Jonathan responds. He leans back in the expensive seat, his head barely moving but his eyes focused fiercely on his sister.

"Next time you want to send a message like that, use e-mail," Clary says, referring to the moment that Jonathan carved 'I miss you' into his own arm so it would appear on hers as well. Jonathan admits it was a little dramatic, but remarks that it got her attention.

Clary walks a few steps closer, explaining how playing her old role back at the Institute got real old, real fast. Her brother stares up at her. He inquires why she left him in the first place.

Blythe squeezes his thigh in a comforting manner, resting her cheek on his denim clad leg. Clary shrugs her shoulders. "Because I felt like it. We Morgensterns don't like being told what to do," she says. She walks past him, kneeling down by his other side.

Jonathan shifts his gaze to follow her, remarking that it is the first time that she called herself a Morgenstern. She rests her elbow on his leg and glances over her shoulder at him. "It's who I am, isn't it?"

He leans forward and suggests they take this family reunion on the road. He begins talking about Madrid, Tempranillo and visiting the Prado. Clary seems to become excited. "I would love to visit the Prado. You know I've always wanted to see those Botch paintings in person."

Bosch. It is Bosch, not Botch.

Jonathan becomes angry. "Clary would never get that wrong." The Seelie actress waves his apprehensions away. "Whatever, I was close enough," she says, but Jonathan did not agree with that. He grabs her fake red hair tightly between his fingers, tugging her head up and eliciting a gasp from the nymph.

"Tell me, are all Seelie nymphs lent out by the Bone Chandelier so boneheaded?"

He roughly let go of her hair, causing her to fall backwards. Her glamour of being Clary dissipated and revealed an attractive, dark haired Seelie. "It's not my fault the words are lame," she responds.

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