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•a whole new world, a dazzling place i- you get it, don't you?•

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a whole new world, a dazzling place i- you get it, don't you?

WHEN BLYTHE WALKS into the apartment, she was surprised to see that she was alone. Where was Magnus? He had been there just before she went to the graveyard, which was not so long ago. "Magnus? Hello, are you there?" Blythe shuffles over the wooden floorboards and looks around the place that was becoming more and more familiar to her. "Magnus," she draws out his name in a yell, but there was still no response. 

Blythe drops down on the couch and arches her head back. Man, it had been a long night. She decides to wait for Magnus to return home and makes herself comfortable. The girl curls up inside herself and grabs for the blanket that was laying on one of the shelves of the end tables. Her fingers curl around the black tv remote and she puts on some late night talkshow. She could laugh about a few of the silly jokes, but most of the time her thoughts were preoccupied by Simon and Clary. Simon looked really broken to be back as a vampire. It hurt Blythe that he called himself a monster and repulsive. He would never be a monster to Clary or to her. Whatever he did, they would always love him to the deep depths of their hearts. 

Halfway through some rewind of an old show she reached for the phone that she threw on the couch. Blythe dials for Clary. Jace and her had gone after Simon. She was worried about how it went and where Simon was now. Unfortunately, Clary's familiar voicemail rings through her ears. "Hi, this is Clary's phone. Unfortunately, I can't-"

Releasing a frustrated sigh she throws the phone back between the cushions of the couch and rubs her temple. Everything was going to shit nowadays and the most frustrating thing of all was that she had no control over it. She couldn't do anything to make this any better and nobody wanted her to help because she was just a simple Mundane

"Oh, what got you so tense?"

Blythe looks up from her turmoil to see Magnus standing before the closed front door. He must have returned without her noticing him and been watching her slight mental breakdown. "Hey, you're late." Magnus waves her comment off with a flash of his hand. The rings around his fingers reflect the light of the room as he moves. "Shadowhunters are always a nuisance." He prepares himself a cocktail and sits down elegantly in the chair on her right. "How did it go with Sean?"

The brunette sighs in agitation. "As I told you many times before, his name is Simon. And as far as how it went.. not as good as I had hoped." She looks down at her folded hands that rest on her lap. Magnus looks her up and down. She looks exhausted, the dark bangs under her eyes only further proving his point. "He will adjust." "Magnus, you didn't stand there. You didn't hear him call himself a monster. I-I couldn't-" Blythe tells him. Her voice grows hoarse as she fights to keep the tears inside. She takes a few deep breaths to keep them at bay. 

Magnus feels hesitant. Should he approach and comfort her in this troubled state? They have only been living together for a short while and weren't exactly ready to call each other 'friends' yet. If he were to come towards her she could turn away and only close in more and the thin thread between them could snap. But if he didn't, he was forced to watch this young woman keep herself from breaking down and bottle up all these unspoken emotions. Thinking about all the different ways this could turn out to go, he approaches her and sits down besides her.

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