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•can we ever just

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can we ever just.. catch a break?

"I DON'T THINK my place is here with these frolicking peacocks surrounding me as I pass the baton of High Warlock to the insufferable Lorenzo Rey." Magnus takes a sip of his cocktail as he looks around the party. It was obvious that he was in a foul mood and Alec could totally understand it.

Alec follows his gesture and nips from his drink too. "You said so yourself that it is tradition," he remarks calmly. His eyes glance over the room. He was alert as usual. Magnus follows his gaze. He grumbles when he catches sight of Lorenzo again. "Doesn't mean I enjoy it," he murmurs.

The Shadowhunter looks sideways at his boyfriend and changes the topic. "When have you scheduled that meeting with the Silent Brothers?" The warlock sighs. He knew that Alec didn't mean any harm in asking the question and that he cares, but it was not a subject he enjoyed discussing. "The day after tomorrow. Believe me when I said I wanted it done as soon as possible."

Alec nods quietly. He turns his whole body towards Magnus, pouring his heart and soul into his one look. "If Blythe and you want me there, just say the word and I will clear my schedule." Magnus was grateful and wonders what he had done to deserve such a supportive boyfriend in his life. He rests a hand on his boyfriend's arm. "Thank you, but that is not needed, Alexander."

Magnus knew it was necessary, but he didn't enjoy subjecting her to the intimate tests that the Silent Brothers would put her through. They would try to delve into her mind and extract all that they needed for their investigation. The Brothers had done so once before but to a milder extent, since they had no idea how far they were able to go with her Mundane mind. Even when they went with the softer approach Blythe had been off for the rest of the week, feeling confused and dazed all the time.

Now the Silent Brothers would only intensify their efforts and the possible outcomes frightened Magnus. In the worst case she would become mad or utterly incapable of living. But there was nothing else he could do. He had read every book about dreams and nightmares that there was. He asked warlocks all over the world for information and help. There was nothing left in his power to help her with and it felt like failing.

He promised her late father Christopher to keep her safe and he has failed horribly at that at least two times. Magnus was scared for what else was in store of her, especially now with the dreaming. 

The party was cut short by a strange sort of attack that made all the warlocks lose the control over their powers. It was thanks to Magnus that the situation was solved, but he was certain that something was going on.

Magnus and Alec arrived back at the apartment to complete silence. The two couldn't help but sneak a look inside Blythe's bedroom. The brunette was fast asleep with her hair spread around the many cushions in her back. She had her head turned sideways and she seemed peaceful. It gave Magnus a little hope.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now