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•necromancy: big no-no•

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necromancy: big no-no

BLYTHE WAS STANDING in Magnus' bathroom and adjusting her clothes when she suddenly hears her phone begin to buzz on the sink counter. She glances at the screen and picks up. "Hey Simon, how are you? Especially now Raphael no longer bothers you about Camille." Blythe was waiting for a response. When she didn't get any, she checked if she was still calling Simon. "Uh, Simon? Are you there?"

"Something bad happened," he finally says. Blythe knits her eyebrows together. A pensive look enters her face. "What is going on, Simon? Are you okay? Is Clary okay?"  She listens to the gravelly voice of her friend as he tells her about the demon attack on the Institute, which took Jocelyn's life, and that the City of Bones was attacked. Blythe freezes. She was stunned by the news, her mouth slightly agape from shock. "Jocelyn's dead? Oh my God.. A-and Clary, is she-?" "Yeah, she is fine. Well, physically fine. She.. she asked me to call you, because she didn't think she would be able to. She also asked me to ask you to come to a little rite we prepared in the boathouse." 

Blythe vigorously nods, though Simon could obviously not see that through the phone. "Of course I'll be there. Give me twenty minutes." She ends the call and hurries to brush her teeth, fix up her hair and leave the bathroom. Magnus was reading through his morning newspaper when he sees her rush around to grab her boots and jacket. "Where are you going so early," he asks with his unglamoured cat eyes drifting over the rim of the newspaper to watch her. "To Simon and Clary at the boathouse. They prepared a ceremony.. for Jocelyn. She-she's dead." The warlock nods his head slowly. He reaches for his phone and holds it up. "I was just informed about the attack on the Institute and the Silent City. Give Clary my condolences and text me when you're on your way back."

The Mundane girl promises that and she rushes to get outside. She was fast in getting to the boathouse by the pier. Before entering she politely knocked on the door and then stepped inside the house. "Hey.." Blythe awkwardly shuffles forward and sits down on the floor around the candle that Simon lit up. Clary tugs the corner of her lip up shortly but remained silent. Blythe eyes Simon, who shrugs his shoulders. He didn't know what to do either. 

"Well.. uh, let's start then." He awkwardly put his hands forward and started speaking in Hebrew. Blythe never learned the language and had no idea what he was saying, but she was certain that he was speaking kind and loving words. Because, even if he is a bloodthirsty vampire, he would always stay kind and goofy. Blythe lays her hand on the table, palm upwards. If Clary wanted physical support, she could choose to and not have it forced on her. A few moments later she felt Clary's warm, tiny hand rest onto hers. Blythe gently squeezes it, pushing all her compassion and empathy into that one move. 

When Simon was finished, he asks if his Hebrew was that bad to lighten up the mood a little. Clary didn't react. Instead, the conversation switches to Luke's disappearance. Their redhaired friend was obviously worried since he always told her when he left town and that he didn't say a word now. "Clary, your mom meant everything to him. He probably just needs time to process," Simon says in an effort to calm her worries. Clary looks at Simon. "When you died, I was.. wrecked. Devastated." Simon asks if she was and Clary stares back dumbfounded. "Of course. Simon, I.. I couldn't think of life without you. Or without you, Blythe." She squeezes back Blythe's hand and meets her eyes before turning back to Simon. "But we got you back." She reaches her hand out to Simon. He, too, takes her hand and squeezes it in a comforting way. 

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