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•it all starts and ends with the truth•

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it all starts and ends with the truth

DURING THE JOURNEY back to the Institute Blythe had fainted due to all the exhaustion, both physically and mentally. Jace had offered to carry her the rest of the way. They enter the Institute through the two heavy, open doors that lead to the main center, where Magnus was waiting on them. Jace had texted Alec about what had transpired at Sebastian's apartment and Alec didn't hesitate to call Magnus. At first he did not pick up since they were still broken up and fighting. When he texted that he wanted to speak about Blythe, Magnus called back immediately.

Jace carries her towards the infirmary with the others in tow, where a Silent Brother was waiting on them. The Herondale lays her on a bed and takes a step back, allowing the Silent Brother to take a look at her. Brother Josiah asked for all of them to leave, except Magnus.

The Shadowhunters leave, waiting just outside the room for news. Alec was pacing around, Isabelle and Jace were both leaning against the wall with crossed arms and Clary was sitting on a chair and biting on her nails.

Not long after Simon turns around the corner and approaches them. Clary had called him on the way to the Institute and he hurried their way. Considering he is a vampire, he was able to get there quite fast. "How is she," he asks, his face contorted into worry.

"We don't know, Brother Josiah is still examining her," Clary responds, standing up from the chair. Simon hugs her sideways as they both stare at the door together. It felt like hours since they brought her in that the door opened. Brother Josiah and Magnus exit the infirmary, closing the door so they couldn't peek inside.

"How is she now," Alec asks before the others had a chance to say anything. Brother Josiah turns to the Head of the Institute and slightly bows his head in respect. "Mr. Lightwood, Miss Fawles is currently still unconscious. She is physically and mentally drained from the experience. We think it best to let her sleep and examine her once she is awake to determine if she can go home."

"Thank you, Brother Josiah," Alec says. The Silent Brother leaves quietly, the cloak not even making a sound as he glides over the floor. Alexander tries to meet Magnus' eyes, but the warlock refuses to look at anyone and turns around swiftly. He takes a seat on a stool by Blythe's side and holds her hand.

Simon, Clary, Isabelle, Jace and Alec remain on her other side and watch over the sleeping figure. She was very pale and had a few bruises on her legs and arms from being dragged along in Sebastian's apartment and the chains that shackled her down when he held her captive. The Silent Brother had wrapped her ankle in tape to give it some stability.

Blythe was laying on her side, curled into herself underneath pale blue blankets. Her brown locks were spread out on the white cushions. Magnus gently caresses her face while she sleeps, keeping a watchful eye over her every move. Clary feels her eyes start to fill with unshed tears that she tries to keep at bay. She experienced so much guilt. She had to have seen what was going on with Blythe. She was too busy with her own problems and struggles to see what happened to her friend.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now