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•we won't die right now, hurray!•

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we won't die right now, hurray!

NO MATTER HOW many drawing lessons Clary would give her, Blythe could never even closely compare to her artistry. However, she had nothing better to do now she was bedridden and had everything handed to her by nurse Magnus. Sometimes he would leave, but then there were other warlocks he would ask to look after her. Catarina was often a victim to that, but at least she brought little Madzie over who lightened up the atmosphere.

She was alone for a little while now. Catarina just left, having to cover for someone at the ER, and Magnus had not yet returned. However, with Jonathan and Valentine still on the loose and the tension rising in the Downworld, Magnus has strengthened the wards around the loft. Basically nothing could come inside without Magnus' permission. She was safe, as he would often reassure her.

But being safe didn't mean her nightmares wouldn't come in to haunt her instead.

Every time she closed her eyes she drifted off to a lake, a cliff. Anything where she could fall into an abyss underneath her. And every time there was that slender hand trying to pull her down before she would wake up screaming. Each time she would wake up, there was Magnus by her side. He assured her that it was a nightmare and that he was there to protect her. But then she closed her eyes again and the nightmares resumed. Even after Clary informed her of Jonathan's death, the nightmares continued to eat away at her sanity and her energy.

But there was still Valentine to defeat. Clary told her over the phone that she and Jace were headed to Idris to find him. They heard that he had managed to escape New York and get to Idris and that he knew that Lake Lyn is the Mortal Mirror too.

In the meantime a rift had opened somewhere that allowed demons to escape. Magnus was off to help Isabelle and Alec with closing it again, but it has been quite a while and he still didn't return. Blythe was worried for him. But there was nothing she could do to help. Sure, she now knew a few basic defensive tactics because of Izzy's training, but she was nowhere near being able to fight against something like demons. Especially because she could not wield seraph blades, which were the only way to kill a demon.

Not that she could be of much help with her sprained ankle.

Blythe shifts on the bed and glances at the door again. When was Magnus going to come back? He wasn't.. hurt, was he? A feeling of dread sinks deep into her core. What is Magnus was hurt and there was no one to help him? What if he was somewhere, screaming for help-

Wait, no. Stop thinking like that. Magnus is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. He has lived for centuries. If anyone could pull it off, it was Magnus Bane. However, Blythe couldn't resist moving around on the bed and glancing towards the door again. She tries to pick up her drawing again, but she couldn't keep her mind on it.

It felt like hours had passed by when she hears the front door open. Blythe leaps out of the bed, flinching when her painful foot hits the ground. But she fights through the throbbing in her foot and hops towards the door. Magnus looks up at hearing someone move around the apartment. Didn't Catarina text him she was no longer there? Then who was walking?

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now