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• blythe's back, back again •

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blythe's back, back again

BLYTHE PAINFULLY LANDED on a tiled floor. A groan escapes her as the air was pushed out of her chest. She raises her head and looks around. Though everything was spinning, Valentine was nowhere to be seen and neither were his accomplices. Instead she was in a hallway with bookcases that cover all the walls. In front of her and behind her were archways, but they only lead to rooms that look similar to the ones she was in. What was Valentine even doing here? He didn't seem the type of person to visit a public library in his spare time of villainy..

Blythe attempts to stand up, but she immediately fell against the bookcase and reaches her arm out to stay steady. A few books fall to the ground. Her vision was still double, but she had to move forward if she did not want Valentine to find her. She couldn't stop, not now. Not when she was so close to escaping. Now she only needed to find an exit..


"WHAT ARE YOU doing," Clary yells, punching against Alec's chest. He prevented her from diving after Jace through Valentine's Portal by capturing her waist. Her eyes were tearing up as she watches Jace disappear in the shimmering purple. He thought himself to be evil because Valentine raised him, but she knew deep inside her heart that he wasn't. She tried telling him, but he wouldn't listen. And now she lost him to Valentine..

"Saving your life. If you enter a Portal not knowing where you're going, you'll be stuck in limbo forever." Alec eyes the others in the room. Magnus shakes his head. "That is not exactly true, but one thing is certain. If you entered that Portal, you wouldn't have landed the same place where Jace is now because you don't know where he is precisely," the warlock explains more thoroughly. He clenches his fist and let his thumb run over his rings as he watches the Portal disappear into thin air. Clary let herself fall against Alec and clutches his jacket. The tears she tried to keep were finally falling, blurring her vision. 

After a minute or three Alec scrapes his throat in discomfort. "We need to go back to the Institute. Now we have the Book, we can wake up Jocelyn and hopefully get the information we need to stop Valentine." Clary nods slowly and seperates herself from Alec. She wipes the remaining tears away with the sleeve of her jacket and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, let's get out of here."

They leave the room and were on their way to the exit of Camille's library when they hear noises. Scraping of feet over the floors and quiet and occasional thuds. "Maybe more of Valentine's men," Alec mumbles and he reaches for his weapons. The others follow suit and halt in the middle of the hallway. The noises become louder, signaling the person causing them to be nearing them. A few agonizing moments later someone stumbles into the hallway.

Alec pulls on his bow string, Isabelle had her whip ready to strike, Simon bears his canines, Clary holds her seraph blade tightly and Magnus let his magic swirl around his hands, ready to use whenever necessary. But when they see who stumbled upon them they let their weapons down. Clary even drops her seraph blade in confusion.


Magnus exclaims in surprise. He drops his hands. The magic surrounding his hands disappears like a slowly extinguished flame. 

The girl did not look good. Her hair was dirty and mat. Her skin was covered in soot and other filth. Her clothes were ripped and dirtied with grime and.. food remains? Blythe was pale and her eyes were surrounded by deep bangs. Her voice was hoarse as she speaks.


Clary pushes past the others and throws herself around her friend. She didn't care how disgusting her clothes were or that they dirtied her own. "Blythe! By the Angel, I'm so happy you're safe." Simon joins them a second later, wrapping both girl in his arms. "We were so afraid of what Valentine would do to you.." The friends part, but they were still holding each other's arms. "How did you escape," Clary asks.

"They locked me up in a cage. I irritated one of the guards long enough that he left. The other I smashed his head with a soup bowl and took his keys. Then I saw Valentine go through a Portal and I followed him. So.. now I'm here," Blythe responds, making a brief summary of her escape. 

Magnus then pushes the other two away and wraps the girl in a bear hug. "Well, we're very happy you're safe." He brushes with his fingers through her greasy hair. His face scrunches up, but he makes no remark. "Come, I'll take you home, make you a hot bath and have your favourite dinner ready." Blythe smiles against his jacket. "That sounds nice." 

The High Warlock of Brooklyn wraps his arm around her shoulders. "I'll call you later," he tells Alec. Magnus leads Blythe out of the building while the others watch them. Clary turns to the others with renewed energy. "Come on, let's go and wake mom up." She rushes out of the building with Simon, Isabelle and Alec following her.

In the meantime Blythe was scrubbing herself clean in Magnus' gigantic bathtub. It was made of white marble with gold decorations. The knobs for temperature regulation and the water were made of translucent crystals. The back wall of the round shaped bath was a sideways swan, made entirely of gold. Magnus did not do simple, Blythe had noticed, but the bath was fantastic. She felt like Ariel in the Disney movie. The water had turned a murky colour because of the filth she washed off. She has never felt cleaner than now. 

After she finished her bath and dried her hair, she wrapped herself in a fluffy bathrobe and walks into the living room. Magnus was sitting on the couch in front of the television, a plate of dumplings in his hands. On the coffee table there was a whole buffet stalled of different Asian cousines. Blythe smiles and slumps down on the couch.

She grabs an empty bowl and starts piling food from different dishes into the bowl. Blythe reaches for a pair of chopsticks and starts eating while they put on Grey's Anatomy reruns. "So, what happened while I was gone?" Magnus shrugs his shoulders while putting another dumpling in his mouth. "Nothing special," he comments casually. The brunette grins at Magnus and raises a singular eyebrows. "Oh really? Then why did you tell Alec to call you later when he is supposedly married by now to that Lydia person?"

Magnus flushes red and chokes on his dumplings. He stutters his words. "Well, that.. We- we really haven't established anything yet-" "-Yet I still want all the juicy details," Blythe responds. She curls her feet underneath her and shifts so she could look at Magnus directly, leaning with her shoulder against the back of the couch. "Come on, don't deprive me of that what I missed! It's unfair, Magnus!" The warlock rolls his eyes. He puts his plate with food away and clasps his hands together. "Alright then, since you asked. I barged in on the wedding.. and Alec kissed me in front of all the emissaries from the Clave."

Blythe's eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. Her eyebrows shoot up on her forehead. "He did that? I'm amazed.. So good to see he is finally following his heart and not the stupid rules from the Clave." She takes a sip of her glass of water. The brunette Mundane turns to face Magnus again. "And.. how did everyone else take it?" "His sister and parabatai are supportive and glad for him. His parents though.." "Somehow the thought that they are homophobic and-or anti-Downworld doesn't really surprise me," Blythe mumbles.

"I've known Robert and Maryse for a long time, even back to when they were a part of the Circle. They always held such high regard to keeping the Lightwood name prestigious." Magnus sips from his cocktail and sighs. "Well, let us not go too far into that. You, my dear, need to rest so that you can meet Jocelyn tomorrow." He stands up and places a kiss on her wet hair. "I'll be back soon."

Blythe follows him on his way out the door with her eyes. All she could hope for was that Magnus would be able to wake Jocelyn, and that Jace was doing okay. She may not like him, but he didn't deserve anything that he got. Blythe finishes eating and crawls into the bed of her home.

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