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•the memory box•

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the memory box

"I WOULDN'T DO that if I were you."

Alec hadn't noticed the person standing behind him as he was occupied by the object on the table before him. He was startled and glances over his shoulder to see Blythe leaning against the doorpost.

The Shadowhunter blushes in embarrassment. He was caught red handed snooping through his boyfriend's belongings by his housemate. "Blythe.. I.."

The brunette gifts him a gentle look. She holds her arms crossed before her chest. She was dressed in comfy lounge wear and looking slightly better, but there was not much improvement in her sleeping pattern. The Silent Brothers and all of Magnus' acquaintances within the warlock community did their bests, but it was not enough to give Blythe a full night of sleep. The dark circles underneath her eyes were only more prominent, but at least the tone of her skin seemed to have returned.

She turns her gaze to the table and to what he had in front of him. Then she lifted her head and met Alec's dark eyes.

"Alec, I know what you are about to do and I warn you to put it back."

The Shadowhunter sighs and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. "I know, Blythe, but.. I have to know. It is eating up inside of me and I can't control it. I have to see.."

Blythe didn't respond aggressively or angry. She just lazily smiles at him, though that might be due to her lack of energy. "I know what you are feeling, Alec. Believe me when I tell you I wanted to rip open that box so many time before. But.. I learned to trust Magnus. If he wanted me, or you, to know of what is inside he would tell us."

Alexander observes the young brunette carefully. It did not seem like much had changed physically from when he first met her so many months ago. But nothing less is true. When he met her he thought nothing more of her than an insufferable Mundane who knew nothing of the world.

Over time he learned that Blythe knew a lot more than she let on and was stronger than many a Shadowhunter he had met. She withstood trials for which many would succumb. Now she was like a good friend to him who apparently had a lot of good advice to give.

"You have not been in the Shadowworld for long, but your advice is sensible," he remarks and he pushes the little box away from him. Blythe shrugs her shoulders and pushes herself off the doorpost. "That has nothing to do with the Shadowworld, Alec, and all to do with people."

It was then that Blythe released a loud yawn. She rubs her eyes and sighs. "I will try to catch some sleep now. Will you wake me up if Simon or Clary calls me? I haven't heard from either today."

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now