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the mortal cup

WHEN IZZY AND Blythe arrive back in the apartment, it was mayhem

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WHEN IZZY AND Blythe arrive back in the apartment, it was mayhem. Simon and Jace were already back, but Clary had obviously been waiting on them for the last ingedrient. Magnus was desperately clinging onto Alec and did not look that well. Blythe quickly hurries to Clary's side and takes the shiny lavender dust. Magnus mumbles something about 'a pinch and stir', which Blythe did.

Clary holds Luke's mouth open and makes him drink the concoction. Luke stops convulsing and sighs a breath of relief, quickly followed by everyone else in the room. Magnus, completely exhausted, falls into the arms of Alec. "You okay," he asks. Magnus breathes a 'yes'. Blythe sinks to her knees, sighing out. Thankfully, it was all over now.


MAGNUS SITS DOWN one the one couch that wasn't covered in Luke's blood, holding a martini glass in hand while staring at a scrubbing Alec and a pensive Blythe. "Tell me, how did it go with the faerie," he asks. Alec raises his head, not commenting but most certainly listening in. Blythe releases a sigh and rubs her hands over her face. It had been a long day and she was so tired that all she wanted to do was crawl in bed and close her eyes.

"He wanted a lock of my hair." Alec stiffens and Magnus' grip around his glass tightens. The warlock's eyes narrow down with concern at his young ward. "You didn't give it to him, I hope." She shakes her head. "No, Isabelle stopped me. That faerie he.. he was beautiful.. and somehow that made me even more axious and frightened of him." Alec looks over his shoulder and stares Blythe into her eyes. "Seelies are said to be half-angel, half-demon. Both are meant to be frightening. It isn't strange you felt that way."

Magnus nods in agreement. "Alexander is right, as was Isabelle for stopping you. As she might have told you, Downworlders and Nephilim can do a lot with a lock of someone's hair. A lot of good things, maybe, but certainly more bad things." Blythe agrees. "I know that now. It just makes me realize how much I don't know and.. if it hadn't been better if my father kept my Sight intact. Now I am in a danger that I can not even see and that I don't know about. How can I protect myself against the unknown?"

The High Warlock of Brooklyn grins. "That, my dear, is what you have me for." He raises his glass in the air and winks at the two of them.


BLYTHE'S EYES FLASH open when the door to the guest bedroom open. She raises her head, her eyelids still heavy from sleeping and her limbs sore from the uncomfortable position of doing so curled up on a chair. Clary walks out, her gaze dazed but somehow certain. "I know where the Cup is."

Magnus closes the book he was reading and swings his long legs off the couch. Jace walks towards her from studying the bookcase. "Come again?" The dark haired girl rubs the sleep out of her eyes and yawns. "Wait.. what?" "The tarot cards," Clary explains, as if it was all supposed to make sense now. Blythe barely stiffles a yawn. "Still, not very clear." "My mom, she must have painted them years ago, but the Mortal Cup has to be hidden inside the Ace of Cups. The card looks exactly like it."

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now