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the memory demon

THEY FIND CLARY putting the last finishing touches on the pentagram when Alec, Isabelle, Magnus and Jace walk into the room

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THEY FIND CLARY putting the last finishing touches on the pentagram when Alec, Isabelle, Magnus and Jace walk into the room. Blythe attempts to sit up from the couch and stand on her feet, but the warlock pushes her down by her shoulders. "Stay here. You still haven't fully recovered from your withdrawal and we only need five people." The teenager throws a dirty glare over her shoulder. "Do you see me for the type of person to let their friends walk into danger without standing by their side?"

Magnus' gaze hardens and his facial expressions grow stern like that of a father scolding his child. "I see you for a mature woman who can see reasoning and act to what is logical. It can be very dangerous if the memory demon breaks through the pentagram. Most likely the residues of your medication will act up once you are confronted with the demon. Then, you will break free from the chain and release the demon. Once it's released, you can not kill it without the seraph blades of the Nephilim, which you can not wield as you are a Mundane."

Blythe bites her lip and stares back. She understands why she can not join, but her loyalty to her friend was burdening her decision. Magnus gently caresses her tangled mess of brown hair. "I will try my best to keep your friend out of danger." His hand pets her over her head and he leaves the room to join the others. The door shuts and from then on, Blythe is left in the dark about what happens on the other side.

The High Warlock takes a glance at the masterpiece that the young redhead has drawn while they were in the other room. "Jocelyn was right, your artistry is beyond compare." His eyes travel over the intricate lines while Clary stands up and dusts off her hands. "I don't know about that," she mumbles, feeling flattered but uneasy at so much commendation about her work. "Oh, the only other person I've known who could draw as well was Michelangelo, who was excellent in bed, I might add." He glances past Jace towards Alec, hoping this hint would be more noticed than his comment about his lair. 

Jace looks too at his parabatai, wondering what all this conversation between the warlock and him were about, but the latter shrugs his shoulders and his sister laughs. Magnus rolls up his sleeves and stands on one of the spots around the pentagram. "Okay, we're ready. Everyone take your rightful place on the pentagram." The Lightwood siblings do as he asks, but Clary was a little confused. Jace gently leads her to her spot, earning a 'thanks' from the redhaired girl. 

Magnus starts to speak, looking at each and every one of them while he explains the rite. "We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed, it cannot be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens, we must not let go of each other's hands." He eyes everyone with his intriguing cat eyes and searches for questions. When he finds none, he reaches out towards his right. Towards Alec.

The Shadowhunter looks a little hesitant at first to lock hands with the warlock, but he eventually does. Alec links with Jace, Jace does with Clary and more tension fills the air. "You people are pathetic," Isabelle comments with a sly grin before she and Clary link their hands and she closes the circle by taking Magnus' other hand. 

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