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•the date that started all•

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the date that started all

SEBASTIAN TURNS AROUND the corner of the apartment complex' corridor in a hurried pace. He throws a quick glance down at his wrist, where the glass of his watch reflects the dim light of the hallway. He was late, very late.

He had joined Clary and Alexander on their mission to save Jace from Valentine, who had apparently switched bodies with Magnus during the summoning of Azazel. He helped Clary unlock her rune powers again, but all the commotion cost him time. Time he had promised to spend with Blythe at his apartment. So, he had hurried all the way from Magnus Bane's loft back to his place, hoping she had not already left.

The moment he could see his front door, he realised she had not left yet. Thankfully.

When she hears footsteps Blythe looks up to see who it was. This time it was not a neighbour that was coming home or putting away the trash. It was Sebastian that turns around the corner, his hair tousled and his body stiffened up. He looks very much like he was in a hurry. "Hey," she greets in a mumble. She uncrosses her arms and pushes herself off the wall. Sebastian stops a few steps in front of her, looking deeply apologetic. "Hey. I am so sorry I left you waiting here."

Blythe shrugs her shoulders. "Doesn't matter, it's only been an hour. Are you okay? I was worried something had happened to you since you didn't show up.." Her blue eyes carefully scan him all over for visible injuries. Sebastian takes a step closer and engulfs her into a warm embrace. He smelled of leather and a woodsy cologne with an underlying scent of blood. Not very surprising, since he was a Shadowhunter. "I am alright. It has just been a long night."

He digs his keys out of his pocket and opens the door to his apartment. Sebastian leads Blythe inside and heads over to the kitchen immediately. Blythe sees where he was going and stands by the kitchen island. "Can I not do the cooking? You just returned from your mission-" Sebastian looks over his shoulder and shakes his head. "You sit down and put your feet up. It will only take a short while." As he sees that Blythe was still not wholly convinced, he puts up a pleading face. "Please, you are my guest here. Go and sit down."

Blythe did still not wholly agree, but she takes a seat on the couch and watches Sebastian move around in his kitchen. Every gesture, every step, was so graceful and elegant and even the way he was humming a song she did not recognise was endearing. He was indeed done quite quickly, in about twenty minutes he had delicious chicken alfredo pasta served with a side of garlic bread he had bought earlier at a bakery. Sebastian called her over and sat together by the kitchen counter to eat dinner. They sat there for hours, chatting and catching up about their past and what happened after they parted. It seemed like they were never out of subjects to talk about.

Sebastian also told her about what happened with Magnus and Valentine, causing Blythe to feel guilty for leaving him all alone this night after he just experienced something so horrible. She tries to talk herself out of feeling so guilty by saying she didn't know and that she had been so cooped up in the loft lately that she deserved a release, but only Sebastian's distractions were able to get Magnus out of her head. Later that evening Sebastian popped a bottle of wine and the two enjoyed it thoroughly. They had so much fun just talking that midnight almost passed without them noticing.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now