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• the revenge of the soup bowl •

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the revenge of the soup bowl

CLARY WATCHES ISABELLE direct a few Shadowhunters with boxes full of decorations in their hands. She had her arms crossed and her face seemed to be in a permanent scowl nowadays. The redhaired girl glances to her side where Jace approached her. "How can they think of celebrating a party when Blythe is captured by Valentine and he is on the rise? It is distasteful at best."

Jace shrugs his shoulders. "I have no clue." He was about to take a step forward and head into the main hall when Clary unfolds her arms and lays a hand on his fore arm. "I'm going to see mom, okay?" She could feel the muscles beneath his skin tense up. He did not say a word and just nods. Then he shrugged her arm off and walked away, leaving Clary behind in the hallway in worry. They both hadn't taken the news that they were brother and sister lightly, to say the least. 

She joins Luke in the infirmary and watches out over her mother's body. Luke tries to apologize for not telling her anything about the Shadowworld before, but Clary stops him. "Luke, we can hash all that out when we wake mom up. The important thing now is that we have her back," Clary responds, but she couldn't feel as ecstatic about it as when she first saw her. Not only did they have no clue how to wake her, but she lost another friend in the process. It felt like, whatever they did, they would always keep on losing. If it was not her mother in danger, then it would be her friends. It was like an endless cycle of pain at this moment, and that was not even being dramatic about it.

They both didn't hear Alec approaching until he spoke up. He asks if they have seen Lydia, but both shake their heads. He was about to leave again when Clary asks for him to stay a little. Luke excuses himself and leaves. Alec steps forward to take Luke's place and sighs. "So, how is she?" "The same, I guess. How is the search for Valentine?" "There are teams out there to find him. They have instructions to look for the Mund-.. for Blythe as well and bring her back," Alec responds, trying to hide his little slip-up. 

Clary releases a deep breath. "Alec, I know you and I don't always see eye to eye on things.. Actually, we never see eye to eye on anything. But I do want to thank you for everything you've done to get my mom back and for everything you're still doing for Blythe." "Actually, I.. I should thank you. I don't know what would have happened to Isabelle after the trial if you hadn't returned the Cup. You saved my sister, so thank you." Alec sways from one feet to the other. He didn't feel comfortable being there or expressing himself like this. Clary inhales deeply. "My whole world turned upside down, but you and I thanking each other.. that's.. that's too much," she says, chuckling. Alec chuckles too and for a moment the tension of the room was gone. But then Alec's phone rings. It was a text from Magnus.

"Magnus needs to speak with me. He might have some information about how to wake your mother up, to save Blythe or.. stop Valentine. It's important." Alec rushes off to meet with Magnus while Clary stares at his back. Then she turns back to her mom. "We're going to wake you up, mom. And then.. then we will save her, mom. We will save Blythe. We.. we must.." Her voice dwells off as she nervously wrings her hands.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now