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• aldertree •

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TOGETHER SIMON AND Blythe entered the greenhouse, where Clary, her mother and Luke were catching up. It had been a long time since Blythe had last seen Mrs. Fray. She looked rather well, considering she just woke up from a magical coma that lasted weeks. "Hey guys," Simon says aloud as they walk up to the three. "Simon? Blythe?"

"Hey, Mrs. F," Simon responds, "Good to see you on your feet again. You look great.. considering the coma situation." Jocelyn walks up to the two of them. Her green eyes switch back and forth between the teens. "What are you two doing here?" "Um.. it's kind of a long story," Blythe mumbles. Simon nods, adding to his friend. "For both of us, really." Clary steps into view. "So, um, a lot, a lot happened while you were away," she tells her mother. She tried to ease her and let her down slowly while they spill the mind boggling, confusing news. Jocelyn raises an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Jocelyn reaches out to touch Simon's face. She found he was rather pale, but when he revealed his pointed canine teeth she quickly withdrew her hand. Simon quickly slaps his hand before his mouth. "You're a vampire," Jocelyn says slowly, trying to let the information sink in. Simon nods his head while keeping his lips firmly pressed onto one another. Her eyes flash towards Blythe. "And are you a vampire now too?"

Blythe quickly glances at the others before darting her eyes back at Mrs. Fray. "Oh, no, I'm not. But.. I have the Sight." Jocelyn takes a step back while taking in a deep breath. "The Sight? But- but how did you not recognize that sooner? What happened to you three?" Blythe scrapes her throat. "You'd have to thank the same guy that took Clary's Sight for that.." Jocelyn part her mouth, letting out a barely audible sound. "Magnus Bane? But.. why would anyone-" 

She was interrupted by the sound of Clary's cellphone chiming, signaling an incoming message. "We have to get to the ops center, right now." She hurries out of the greenhouse, followed closely by the others. They join Isabelle, Alec and Lydia, who were already there and listening to Maryse Lightwood. She announced the obvious, that the Mortal Cup was gone and that someone from the Institute (meaning Jace) joined him, and that the Institute was now on a lockdown. She also introduced a new Head of the Institute named Victor Aldertree, pissing off Lydia who was in name the Head until the announcement. 

After his speech he walked down the stairs. He planned interviews with everyone who went with Jace on his last mission to gather information on how to find him. The first person to be questioned was Clary. Blythe and Simon stayed behind and waited for her to be done when suddenly all the lights of the ops center flashed red. In the middle of the room a screen appeared with Jace's image. It stated in bright red letters that he was wanted.. either dead or alive. Clary was confused. She thought that Aldertree wanted to rescue Jace. Aldertree appeared behind them and told her he never told her that, but only that he wanted Jace to be found, telling her she gave him the clue to do just that. 

Aldertree stands in front of the other Shadowhunters and announces his newest rules. All Downworlders were forbidden to enter the Institute without his approval. He walks towards Simon and Luke, telling them to leave. Simon worried that it was almost dawn and that he had nowhere to go, but Aldertree showed no empathy. "We'll find something," Blythe mutters to him softly. "No, you need to stay here with Clary," Simon whispers back. Clary shakes her head. "No, what matters right now is that you make it out alive. See if Magnus or Luke can help." She gently pats her friend's shoulder and nods towards the exit. "Go on, I'll be fine." The two nod silently and get moving. They were on their way out, but Aldertree was not yet finished.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now