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• the capture •

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the capture 

SIMON LOOKS DOWN at the plate of raw meat in front of him and shifts his gaze to Luke. The werewolf alpha was waiting patiently for him to start eating. "I can't eat this," he tells him. Luke reminds him that he is in no position to be picky. "No, I.. I can't eat this. I can't eat at all. I can't just go to a restaurant, order food, and just sit there and stare at it." "You need to learn how to adapt to what's in front of you." He explains that, around the meat, there is blood that he can eat. Luke pours it into a glass and puts it in front of him. Simon counters that it doesn't exactly make him see normal, which Luke has to agree to and he suggests a wine glass. 

The front door of Jade Wolf was thrown open with a loud bang. Blythe storms between the booths with her phone in her right hand and her bag swung over her left shoulder. Simon sees her approach them and jumps up from the booth. Luke glances over his shoulder and sees who it was. "Simon," Blythe calls out with a warm smile. "Hey, Blythe."

Simon opens his arms and Blythe wraps him into a tight embrace. It was the first time they saw each other again after Simon had been turned into a vampire. That felt like such a long time ago, but has been less than a week. He feels bad for not visiting before and acting so cruel when he had just risen, but he didn't want to put her under danger by his uncontrolled thirst for blood. Now he had a bit more control and he was glad to see she was not furious with him.

"I missed you so much, Simon. How are you? Have you been able to adapt a little? Is Raphael treating you well?" Simon grins and hugs his friend a little tighter. He had missed her so much. "I am fine. Please, tell me how you've been? Are you guys any closer to finding out who might be after you?" Blythe shakes her head. "Nothing. Nobody has made a move on me or anything, but who knows. I did remember something of my past yesterday." Both Simon and Luke glance at her in confusion. "And, what did you remember," Luke questions.

Blythe smiles gently when thinking back to the memory. "Someone was brushing my hair and calling me 'a little princess'. I think it was my father." Luke steps forward to hug her. "I'm glad you start to remember." When the door to Jade Wolf opens again the werewolf and Mundane break apart. It was Clary and an unknown blonde, middle-aged man carrying a barely conscious Jace inside. The blonde man turned out to be Michael Wayland, Jace's father who had presumably died before Jace came to the Institute.

Clary explains that Jace had been attacked by a demon and that he is weakening but can not go back to the Institute. She asks Simon if he can call Raphael to request blood for Jace. The vampire tells her they can better do it in person and that his van was parked closeby. Clary would drive while he would hide underneath a blanket in the trunk. Blythe didn't bother to ask if she could come with them since the answer is always no. If she, a Mundane, would enter the vampire hotel freely, it would be allowed by the Accords to have her as a snack since she 'willingly' came there. The two hurry to Hotel DuMort while Luke hands Michael a glass of water for Jace. 

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now