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MAGNUS WAS BACK by the following morning and Iris had been taken to the Gard, which was basically the national prison of the Shadowhunters.

"I'm glad you're okay," Blythe mutters as she engulfs the warlock in a hug. The dark haired man hugs her back and caresses her brown curls. "Good to be back, sugarplum. Though Alec and I agreed that it might be a bad idea to keep Madzie here. She went back with Caterina early this morning."

Blythe looks down, feeling her heart flutter with a little shame. The little girl had been so excited to see her the day before and she had been very cold and distant. After everything that happened to her since she learned of the Shadowworld.. she believed she had changed.

They all sit down at the table for breakfast. Alec was cooking up something in the kitchen when Blythe's phone starts buzzing. Curiously she picks it up to see a message from Simon.

"Sorry guys, but I'm not joining in for breakfast. I just got a text from Simon saying I need to come over because of an emergency," she apologizes as she stands up from the table and begins collecting her things. "Did he say what it is about," Alec asks with a hint of worry in his words.

Blythe shakes her head. "He didn't say, but I guess it must be important. I don't know when I'll be back." Magnus takes a sip of the steaming hot coffee that he had just brewed. He shrugs his shoulders. "We'll see you. Text us when you're on your way back and take something with you to defend yourself."

The brunette chuckles softly. As if she hadn't thought of that herself. The lessons she had way back then with Izzy are still fresh on her mind, especially after everything she had gone through as of late.

Blythe steps out of the apartment and begins walking towards Simon's place. When she enters she couldn't help but think of an army base. Items were spread on the table while Maia and Simon check everything and make plans.

"What's going on here," she asks while hesitantly stepping into the apartment. "We are going to find this ancient vampire to get rid of this stupid mark on my head," Simon replies very calmly as he packs his stuff.

Blythe feels a rush of excitement run through her veins that she hadn't felt ever since they lost Clary. She was so glad that Simon would get rid of that Mark that bothered him so much. "Can I come with you," she asks. Maia and Simon glance unsurely at each other.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Maia begins softly. "I agree with Maia. You are a Mundane and I don't want to be the reason that you end up the midnight snack of an ancient vampire."

Blythe sighs. She crosses her arms and eyes her best friend with raised eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. "Then why did you invite me here, if you don't want my help?"

Simon looks highly uncomfortable, balancing on one foot and then the other. "Because I want to include you.. because you're the only one I have left."

It was then that Blythe understood. Simon was afraid he was going to lose her if he did not keep her close enough. Lose her like they lost Clary. "Oh, Simon.." Blythe steps forward and wraps her arms tightly around his torso. She closes her eyes and let her head rest against his shoulder.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now