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caelestis ignis

"NOBODY TAMPERED WITH the protective wards of the house. None even tried to invade it."

Lorenzo lowers his hands and opens his eyes. He had been using magic to feel the wards he uses around the home, but nothing was awry. But he shares Blythe's concerns that there has been an invader and the fact he could go past his wards unnoticed was cause for worry.

Blythe was clutching the Book of the White tightly against her chest. After finding it gone Blythe had gone through every nook and cranny of the room. She found it tucked on top of the bookcase, hiding behind a few other books. Either someone put it there or the book tried to hide itself.

"So how did someone get into my room," she asks softly. Her voice was timid, her words spoken more like a whisper. Lorenzo seems frustrated as he shrugs his shoulders. "The only viable option is that one of the clients I had this morning went in."

Blythe bites into her lower lip. This was all dangerously coming close, especially if she wasn't even safe in her own home.

She thinks through all the information she had uncovered. Most likely this person was looking for something. They must have known that she was not there, or else they would have had trouble stealing something. Or, and that thought frightened her even more, this person was looking to take her away right from under Lorenzo's nose.

Blythe tries to dig through everything she learned since discovering the Shadow World. She is a Mundane with the sight. Her father didn't have it, but her mother did. She was well known in the Shadow Markets and from what Magnus could tell her, she had a lot of enemies. Her business had become her undoing, so her father put her under Magnus' protection to make sure the same didn't happen to her.

The threat had been present ever since she was young, so it was not Jonathan who was after her. Besides, Jonathan wouldn't have invaded the penthouse like this when he wasn't sure she would be there to take her. It was almost certain that her mother's business had something to do with this.

But the only time she had interacted with a Downworlder she didn't know personally was with a Seelie.. First at the park, when gathering an ingredient to save Luke from the Alpha's bite. Then she met someone in a bar. He tried giving her a drink before Alec intervened. And when she fell she also saw a Seelie.

All of them with their mismatched eyes.. their golden curls and silver tips..

Blythe's eyes widen when she realizes that she has encountered that trader from the park three times now. It was too much of a coincidence! "Were any of them a Seelie," she asks. Her heartbeat was racing. Perhaps she could finally uncover the secrets..

"Yes, one of my clients was." Lorenzo flicks his wrist and a moment later there was a picture in his hand. He turns it around so Blythe could see who was on there. "Do you recognize him," Lorenzo asks, his eyebrows furrowed.

But Blythe had never seen that man before. The hope she had been feeling was gone, now weighing heavily on the pit of her stomach. He has sandy blonde hair, put into a ponytail. The sides of his head were shaved and vines follow the hairline in delicate swirls. His skin was pale with a hint of blue. He had piercing grey eyes, like a cloud during a terrible storm. 

"No. I've never seen him before in my life. Why would he be in my room?"

"Perhaps the Seelie Queen has taken interest in you, Blythe. The Fae Folk rarely work on their own. Most likely this invasion was planned." Lorenzo runs a hand through his hair. He sighs deeply. "I will strengthen the wards around the penthouse even further. No one but you or I can enter. I will welcome my clients elsewhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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