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•attack on the institute•

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attack on the institute

MAGNUS LAYS HIS head down in his hands. He breathes a deep sigh of worry and exhaustion. Clary stands in front of him in silence. She had her arms crossed before her chest when she heard of what he wanted to do before they left to the Institute, where Simon was held captive by Valentine and drained of blood. The warlock rubs his hands over his face and looks up at the redhaired girl. "You must understand.. We all know Blythe too well. She will want to fight. I have no other options. Or would you want her to mingle in the fight against Valentine?"

Clary feels sympathy for the warlock that was obviously so tired of the constant worry, but she found that his methods were rather.. extreme. "We all want to protect her, Magnus. But do we really have to put her in a magical sleep to do so?"

Magnus' eyes meet Clary's. His cat eyes said it all. Yes, yes they had to. "When it comes to protecting those she loves, there is no reasoning with her. Especially now Isabelle has taught her the basics of hand-to-hand combat. My point is that she might believe she will stand a chance and will want to help you. But, for her to leave the loft now would be extremely dangerous."

Clary looks down at her feet. She bites down on her lower lip before daring to look at Magnus again. "Does she remember anything about her attackers yet?" Magnus shakes his head. "I have tried to lift the memory spell off her by using my magic, but it is difficult. This is very powerful magic and I don't dare to tamper too much. One mistake and she might lose all memories she ever aquired and end up a drooling newborn in the body of an eighteen year old." Clary nods solemnly. They all worried greatly about their friend. For weeks they had been wondering and worrying about what was chasing her, but now she was actually attacked. 

"So, we go and defeat Valentine.. without her?" Magnus nods. "I already brew the potion. As soon as she has drunk it, I will create a Portal that will take us to the Institute." He rests his hand on Clary's shoulder. "We will save Simon, biscuit."

Clary stays silent. She was still rather conflicted about Magnus' plan, but she says nothing as he empties the vial in a mug of tea and enters Blythe's bedroom. Perhaps Magnus was right. Maybe.. this would be for the better.


BODIES. THERE WERE so many bodies carried out of the hall of the Institute. All Downworlder lives that were lost due to the activation of the Soul Sword. Simon squats down by Alaric's side. The werewolf had lost his life during the attack on the New York Institute. He speaks aloud how he hadn't made it exactly easy for Simon, but that he didn't deserve this. Then Simon gently closes his eyes and rises again.

Sunlight was seeping into the hall through the stained glass windows. In a reflex he raises his arms defensively to protect himself, but then he realises something. The sunlight did not burn his skin to a crisp. Instead, it warmed his skin kindly as if embracing him after this terrible night. Simon drops his arms in confusion and stares at his hands and arms. Not even a blister. "What the hell," he mumbles to himself, looking again at the beam of light. Was he.. invulnerable to the sun now? 

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now