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•the rune ceremony•

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the rune ceremony

BLYTHE WAS TRYING so hard to not listen to the giggles that errupt from the room besides her, but it was becoming very difficult. She had put the music on her phone on the max. However, their noises still managed to burn through. The brunette was so thankful when she heard the sound of a Portal opening in the living room. Blythe quickly throws off her headset and let it fall down on her bed. She rushes out of the door, right when Alec had given Magnus a charm for luck and protection and were about to kiss.

The two look up by another burst of giggles from the room and see a seething Blythe storm in their direction. "Magnus, if you're not going to do something about our new roommate, then I will! Believe me, it will not be pretty," she snarls in a whisper. Magnus sees the fiery expression on her face and knows that she was not joking around. She was already ready displeased when he had, though reluctantly, agreed to let Jace stay for a while. When Jace started to train during the midnights, if he did not bring over a girlfriend of his, Blythe had officially declared him her enemy. Magnus constantly had to put down arguments and fights between the two, not happy with the assigned babysitter role. 

The warlock mumbles something about brazen roommates and Casanova. "Casanova," both Alec and Blythe exclaim in a question. Though, they then both realized they didn't want to hear the whole story. Alec remarks that he will tell Jace off and the Mundane was mentally cheering him on, but Magnus decided to put the music a little louder and told Blythe to buy noise-cancelling headphones the next time.

About half an hour later the noises from the room besides her suddenly stopped. Blythe removes the headphones experimentally and breathes a sigh of relief. She heads out of her bedroom again to see Magnus preparing himself a cocktail. He asks if she would like one herself, but she declines. "So, where are Jace and his friend," she asks, not even attempting to hide the distaste that she feels for both. "Alec got a call from the Institute. Shadowhunter things, as usual." Magnus takes a swig from his drink and makes a sound of satisfaction. He sits down on a chair and smiles. "Now that the troublemaker has left the loft.. How have you been, sugarplum?" 

Blythe sits down on the couch with an endearing smile on her face from hearing the nickname that was starting to grow on her. "Fine. I've been trying to use my spare time to connect the dots about my mom and the people who are after me, but I haven't been able to find anything. I'm starting to lose hope I will ever find out." She looks up to meet with Magnus' studying eyes. "Why haven't they attempted to do anything? If I am so sought after then why is no one pouncing on the doors here?" Blythe gestures towards the front door to support her words.

Magnus traces the rim of his glass calmly while his eyes never stray from hers. When he starts to speak, he was calm and honest. "I have no idea." He put the glass down on a sidetable. He folds his hands before his stomach and leans back in his chair. "Ever since Christopher brought you to my doorstep, I have been searching through every book in this house. I have talked to Downworlders at the Shadowmarket and other popular Downworld hangouts. However, no one seems to have an answer or wishes to speak to me. I reached a dead end a long time ago, Blythe." She takes a deep, shaky breath. "B-But there must be something, right? Something we haven't though of.. something.."

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now