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•the silent brothers' answer•

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the silent brothers' answer

"YOU HAVEN'T BEEN able to find.. anything?" Magnus was almost stunned by the news and so was Blythe. She had invested all her hope in the Silent Brothers to give her the answers she needed. She had subjected herself to mental torture to get the answers. But now Brother Gabriel and Brother Josiah were standing before her and told her they had been unable to find a cause.

"That is our conviction, Mr. Bane. All that we know is that there are ancient powers at play here," Brother Gabriel responds with a hollow voice. It was followed up by Brother Josiah's almost identical voice. "We can not treat Miss Fawles unless we know where her symptoms stem from."

The answers were disappointing to say the least. Blythe's nightmares had not become less. On the bright side they were also not worse, though she doubted it could get any worse than what she was experiencing now. Magnus thanks the two Brothers for their time on both of their behalfs, considering Blythe felt unable to respond at the moment. 

As soon as the two Brothers had left the loft Blythe felt the dam break. A sob wretches through her. She tries to hide it behind her hands, but she couldn't hide her true feelings from Magnus. "Oh, sugarplum," he sighs deeply. He cradles her into his arms, caressing the back of her head while she sobs into his chest.

"Magnus, what am I supposed to do now? Not even the Silent Brothers know what is wrong with me. I am fighting over and over again, but.. I just want some sleep," she cries out. She was desperate for an undisturbed night of sleep, but her nightmares were not giving her that. Magnus clears his throat as he tries not to become emotional too. He was desperate to help her and give her answers, but these things went far beyond his limits. 

Therefore, there was nothing he could do for her.. and that broke his heart.

He gently caresses her hair and rocks her back and forth. "You know, perhaps spending time with your friends will do you some good. How about inviting Clary and Simon here for a movie night?" He sounded hopeful and Blythe didn't want to crush that feeling, though she was not very convinced it would help her sleep better.

"I will ask them." She sits down on the couch. Her body was aching and she was so tired. But her mind refused to give her a rest. Since that night she saw Jonathan in her nightmares he hadn't returned in them, but she still experienced the cliff and the drowning every night. Blythe tried to close her eyes and think of other things. Things that might make her happy. Unfortunately the thoughts wouldn't remain, nor drown out her feeling miserable.

She dugs up her phone from her back pocket and starts texting to Clary and Simon. To her surprise the two of them reacted almost immediately. Clary said she needed to deal with a rogue vampire but that she could schedule some free time in the evening. Simon texted back that he was in and had great news to share. They discussed which movies they wanted to watch and what dip they wanted with their nachos.

𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐒 | shadowhunters  [ EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now