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Here it is—this sequel from my story: The Lion King: Kion's Betrayal. I hope you all enjoy it and please let me know if you liked it.

A year has passed since the war between two prides and some lions' deaths that they lost a long time ago. Everyone is now beginning the new life of the pride lands. Some lions had decided to leave because they wanted to find a new place to live and maybe start their own pride, much to Kovu and Kiara's dismay. But they decided to let them go because they can't force them to stay against their will. Nuru had her first hunt a few months after her siblings had gotten married, and she had caught a nice wildebeest for the pride. She is now a part of the hunting party. She and Naba had also gotten married the week after Nuru had her first hunt. Both lions had promised to support Kovu and Kiara as they become King and Queen and be loyal towards the pride as a prince and princess as they help keep the Circle of life balanced. Nuru and Naba had turned three years old recently, while the others are also three years old, who is a few months older than the pair. Simba was out with Kovu as he gave his king lessons while Kiara was out with Nala, and she's sharing her tips on how to be a great lead huntress and queen.

"Hey, Mother?" Kiara began as Nala stopped talking and turned to face her daughter.

"Yes, Kiara?"

"Will I be a great queen?" Asked Kiara.

Nala nodded, "Yes, you will, darling. You have to believe in yourself." She tells her daughter, who had a puzzled look on her face, "Yes, being the queen of the pride lands is a huge responsibility. You have to protect your lands and make everyone live in peace without any violence."

Kiara sat down while facing her mother, "Just like Kovu and I stopped the war a year ago?" She questioned.

"Yes." Nala nodded, "It's a good thing you both stopped our prides from fighting each other; otherwise, some of us will be alive while some will be dead."

"I'm just glad this is all over with."

"Me too, dear."

"But I wished Kion and I could've saved both Zira and Baraka. Then they would've lived in the pride lands with us, and we could've helped them change from evil to good."

"Zira did change after the war had stopped, but Baraka just..." Nala stopped to think about how to put out some appropriate words to describe Baraka, who had died from falling into the raging river below the gorge. She sighed before continuing, "Baraka is just hotheaded. From being loyal to Scar, she had held grudges in the past and used them to her advantage."

"So that's why Baraka and Zira were evil?" Kiara asked.

"Yes. And we couldn't tell you all the truth back then when you all were cubs." Nala answered with a lump forming in her throat, "We kept this until you all got older so you wouldn't be traumatized by our experience."

Kiara shook her head slowly. She was slightly upset at her mother for keeping secrets from her and her brother, sister, and friends, but she was also relieved that she wouldn't be worried about both evil lionesses, who were Scar's faithful followers. Kiara always had a great cubhood she deserved, and sometimes her father could be a little overprotective of her and her siblings, but she still loves him just the same as she loves her mother and the rest of her family friends.

"You're right, mom." Kiara sighed, "I'm just glad that you kept this from us. I would've been scared for days."

"I'm glad too, honey," Nala replied, nuzzling her daughter. Kiara returned the nuzzle as both mother and daughter hugged each other lovingly. They then pulled away and began staring at each other in complete silence for 5 seconds with smiles on their faces. Nala cleared her throat, getting Kiara's attention as the young lioness looked up towards the older lioness.

"Let's go back home. Your father might be back with Kovu by now." Said Nala, and Kiara walked back towards the direction of pride rock.

As Nala had predicted, Kovu and Simba were indeed back home. Kiara ran up towards her mate and gave him a living nuzzle, which he returns the gesture.

"Welcome back, honey." Said Kiara, "How's your training coming along?"

"It was good." Said Kovu

They pulled away and faced both Simba and Nala, who is finished talking with each other, "Kovu, you've been doing a wonderful job paying attention to my lessons." Said Simba.

Kovu smiled, "Thanks, Simba."

"You're welcome."

"Mother? Father?" Kiara began, "Do you have anything to tell us?"

"No, not really." Simba shook his head, "But we will talk to you both about some important things later."

Kovu and Kiara nodded before walking out of the den to spend time with each other.

Meanwhile, Kion and Tiifu were hanging out under the baobab trees.

"This shade feels so good," Tiifu commented.

Kion nodded in agreement, "It's very nice." Said Kion.

"Since we're married now, when are we going to have cubs?" Tiifu asked.

"I think we can start tonight." Kion implied, "I would love to see cubs running around here."

Zuri and Kion leaned against each other as they thought about becoming parents soon. They looked up and saw Vitani and Moto approaching them.

"What's up, lovebirds." Vitani greeted teasingly.

"Hey, Vitani and Moto." Kion greeted in return with a grin, "What brings you two here?"

"I came out here to hang out with my favorite brother-in-law."

"Yeah, right. I'm your only brother-in-law."

"How's it going?" Moto began

"We're good, Moto." Said Tiifu, smiling.

The four young lions sat down in silence for a while before Kion cleared his throat and begin to speak, "Hey, guys? I'm going to the watering hole for a drink. Do you wanna join me?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll come," Vitani said, nodding.

"Me too." Said Moto

"Me three," Tiifu added.

With that being said, Kion, Moto, Vitani, and Tiifu got up and walked in the watering hole's direction to have a drink. Little did they know that someone is spying on them from a distance.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here..." The figure said, smirking evilly.

A/N: Hey, everyone! I'm back with the sequel from my first story: The Lion King: Kion's Betrayal. I hope you all enjoy it and Merry Christmas!!!

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