The Beginning

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Rachels Pov:

" Shouldn't Josh be home by now?" Colleen said, "He was supposed to be home an hour ago" Colleen and I were working at her apartment, doing collabs and we were waiting for Josh to come back from the store with more supplies. It was heavly raining outside, "Why dont you try caliing him" I told Colleen. "Okay" She picked up her phone and punched in some numbers. In a couple of seconds terror struck her face and tears swelled in her eyes. I raced over to her asking her what was wrong, but she was intentely listening in her phone with tears running down her face and she shaking uncontrollably. She put down the phone and barely got out, " thaaat, was the po..police. He... he was in a car acci.. accident." She collasped on the floor, hands in her face, " Josh.... Josh is...... dead." I was struck with shock, but all I could do was hug colleen because I realized how badly this will effect her. Just looking at her was making me cry, she was shaking, crying, and looked like a scared little baby. "Its gonna be alright" I whispered to her, " what am I going to do rachel" she cried out. Just then I realized how badly colleen must be feeling. These two had an incredible love story with complete mutual love, and they were going to get married, and have beautiful children. But now... I have no idea what I can do for Colleen. I kept hugging her for the longest time as she kept crying. Just then I got a call from mom.

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now