Chapter 76: Tessa

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I feel my phone vibrating against the table, indicating that my alarm set for 6:00 AM is going off. I wanted to wake up early so we could get an early start on the day. There is so much of England I am looking forward to seeing. I only got a small taste of it yesterday on that bus, but today I would like to walk around the city. I know Hardin physically cannot wake up earlier than 8 AM, so I think I'm just going to get completely ready and use my powers of persuasion to force him out of bed at a reasonable hour.

The water from the shower doesn't warm up as much as I want it to, but I don't even mind. My bump seems to be growing bigger by the day, which like I said before, must be all in my head. It's definitely grown since my birthday, which I know was only three weeks ago, but my bump is more noticeable now. As I rub the soap across my bare stomach, I smile at the memory of feeling my daughter kick for the first time. It was the most amazing feeling, a little scary and strange, but amazing. Although Trish got to experience it with me, I wish our daughter would be a little more active when her dad comes around. I know that feeling his baby move in my belly would mean the absolute world to Hardin. Even though I have no power to do this, I'm gonna make it my mission for Hardin to feel the kicks.

I hope his mood is better today since now he's gotten some rest. He didn't move at all last night, nor did he hold me. His head touched my shoulder, but that's it. It's very unlike Hardin, but even though I've known him all these years, he's still an enigma to me. His mood is as unpredictable as this London weather. Maybe I should try to do some things that he wants to do today... I mean, this is the first time he's been home since he moved here half a decade ago. There's probably some places he wants to visit, or friends he wants to see. Actually, I don't know if I want Hardin visiting any 'friends', but maybe he has people who weren't a shitty influence or that he slept with that he wants to see. I should give him the opportunity to do so without my presence, since I know that's what he would use as an excuse.

I'm thankful for Mike's carpet flooring as I walk barefoot back to the bedroom. It's so cold that I can feel the water on my skin and in my hair turning to ice. Hardin hasn't moved since I've showered, and if his chest weren't moving up and down, I would doubt that he was breathing. It's only six AM when I finally finish drying my hair and moisturizing my face and body. My plan to be out of this house by six thirty is thrown out the window just looking at Hardin's adorable sleeping face. I decide I'll give him until seven thirty, but then I want to be up and out. I climb back under the comforter, but I'm still cold. I would love to use some of Hardin's body heat for warmth, but he's in a position that I can't really cuddle with him. He's on his stomach with his chin touching his shoulder. One of his arms are under the pillow, and the other is right by his slightly parted mouth. I could attempt to be the big spoon, but I would definitely fall off the bed since there's no room on the end for me. I'll just cuddle my legs for warmth.

"What are you doing?" A voice startles me, and it takes me a second to realize the voice came from Hardin. His voice is raspy, and his eyes are squinting because of the harsh sunlight. I didn't even realize I woke him. It's probably because I'm moving around so much to try and warm myself up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I apologize to him.

"Did you shower?" He asks as he rubs his eyes. "Your hair looks different and you smell like vanilla."

I take what he says as a compliment and not as a diss to how my hair usually looks. "Yeah, I showered. I wanted to get an early start on the morning."

"How early?" He rolls over, and picks up his phone from the night table. "Baby, you know I can't do six thirty."

"I know, I was going to wait until seven thirty to wake you up."

He nods, and yawns again. "You might have to make that eight thirty, I am still fucking exhausted."

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