Chapter 89: Tessa

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He forgot.

Hardin forgot about our special day that we were supposed to be having today. Not going to lie, it fucking hurts. I was so excited when I woke up this morning. I was going to make some breakfast for us, then maybe cuddle on the couch and watch a movie, or go for a walk, or paint, or read.... I don't even know. Instead, I sit here in some random venue with a plate of hors d'oeuvres by myself while Hardin is off with Stacy. I should've known that this was going to be how today would go. I have to stop expecting that things will be different. Hardin is in that work mode at a very inconvenient time. I need to stop thinking that days can be like they used to.

It's crazy to think that this could've been my life if I didn't switch careers. I always had the dream of becoming an author since I was a little girl and picked up my first book. I knew I wanted to inspire people with my writing, and I still feel that way. I do miss this, but I don't regret changing to planning because I love that career too. Being back in this environment does inspire me to get back into writing. Maybe I could do that as a side project of some sort... I could probably write a whole book before Hardin comes to 'check on me'.

It's been about forty five minutes since I saw Hardin last. This venue space is huge with at least five hundred people. Stacy's probably dragging him around the entire place introducing him to every Tom, Dick and Harry in this place. He's probably too busy to check on me.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I ask the woman sitting across from me at this large table who's scrolling on her phone. "Do you know how much longer this event is supposed to last?"

"Probably another six hours at the rate it's going."

"I've been here for forty five minutes and I'm already so done." I say more to myself than to her, but she hears and laughs at my comment.

"Forty five minutes? Try since 11 AM." She shakes her head. "I don't know how much longer of the event I can take as well. I'm Miranda." She reaches her hand across the table, but I just stand and take the seat next to her so it's less awkward.

"I'm Tessa. It's nice to meet you."I shake her hand.

"So, are you an author? What have you written?" She questions me.

"I'm not actually, my husband is. That's why I'm here."

"You're here to sit and eat fancy appetizers all day?" She jokes, and for the first time all day, I genuinely laugh. It feels good.

"I suppose so. He was supposed to come check on me, but I haven't seen him since we got here. According to his publicist, walking around with a pregnant wife won't score him any brownie points with a sponsor."

"Oh congratulations! That's wonderful! My wife and I have a three year old." She pulls out her phone to show a picture. "This is me, my wife Jessica, our daughter Hazel and our dog Ronnie. We adopted Hazel last year, and it's been wonderful."

"Wow, what a beautiful family." It's rare to find one of those these days.

"Thank you. It's nice that you came to support your husband. I could never get my wife to come to one of these events."

"I actually forced him to take me."

Her mouth slightly opens with a surprised smile. "Wow. These events are so boring. If I weren't an author trying to promote my work then I wouldn't even think to come."

"I just wanted to spend more time with my husband, but look what happened with that." I throw my hands in the air in frustration. "He's just been working so much, and we were supposed to have a special day today on his day off where he wouldn't work and we would just spend time together, but he forgot."

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