Chapter 63: Hardin

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When we settle down on the couch, I pull my laptop onto my lap to check my emails. Tessa grabs some blankets from the little basket we have next to the couch. The first page that I see when I open my laptop is booking tickets to France. Now that Tessa is further along in her pregnancy than we once thought, we need to get this honeymoon thing moving along. We've established that we wanted to go to Europe for our honeymoon, and I think we decided on France and Italy. Our honeymoon will probably be about two weeks, but Tessa's extremely crazy work schedule will probably only allow us one week. I just want to travel the world with Tessa more than anything. I know that she wants to do the same, and we have been planning on doing it ever since we got back together, but with trying to get pregnant, and our jobs taking over our lives, we never got around to doing it. We are going to go on this honeymoon if it's the last thing I do.

"Hellooo! Earth to Hardin!" Tessa jabs her cold toes into my side. Had she been saying something this whole time?

"Sorry, I was distracted."

"What are you doing on your laptop? I hope you're not writing yet another story about me." She laughs, and I lightly squeeze her foot that's tucked under my butt to keep warm.

"I was actually looking at booking our flights for our honeymoon. We decided on France, right?"

"Yeah! I think France would be lovely! Now that I'm five months pregnant, we should probably go on it soon. I have pretty much finished everything with Noah and Shannon's wedding, and their wedding is Valentine's Day weekend. If we're gonna go anywhere, we should do it within the next month right?"

"How about next week?"

"Next week!?" She yells with an open mouth. "I'm supposed to be seeing Dr. Henry again in three weeks, so it would have to be before or after that. I mean how long do we plan on going? Where are we going to stay? Are we doing Italy too? And what about-"

I grab her shoulders to stop her rambling. "Hey, relax. We can figure that all out."

"I'm sorry, I just hate how this all has to be rushed."

I close my laptop and pull her close to me to comfort her. She's always so worked up on having to have things planned out in advance. She's better than she once was, but she isn't a wedding planner because she likes to leave things up in the air.

"It doesn't have to be rushed. Why don't we spend the rest of the night planning some things that we want to do? No rush. We can book our tickets in the next couple of days. As long as we're together, it's gonna be an amazing trip."

"I know that." She reaches over and grabs my laptop from the table. "Now, let's start planning. Eiffel Tower first or The Louvre?"

I love the smile that takes over her face at the thought of going on this honeymoon with me. I will gladly spend hours planning her dream trip because I know how much it means to her. She deserves everything and more, and I am more than willing to give it to her.

"Well, I was looking at this website for the top places to visit in France, we could go to Paris for the city, Nice for the beaches, Normandy for the history. I know you're a nerd, so we could visit the Chateau de Versailles, or go to where Les Miserables takes place..." I look up from my laptop, and she's smiling at me. "What?"

"I just love how much effort you put into this, it... it means so much." She kisses my cheek sweetly.

"You deserve the world, Tessa. And I plan on giving it to you. Whatever you want to do, wherever you want to go.... your wish is my desire."

"It all sounds amazing."

I yelp as her cold toes touch the bare skin under my shirt. "Your toes are freezing!"

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