Chapter 83: Tessa

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I'm awoken by the door bell ringing. Who could be ringing the bell this early?

When I open my eyes, I look over at the clock which says 12 o'clock. Damn, it's a lot later than I thought it was. I haven't slept this late in a while. Hardin is laying next to me, and I feel bad for doing this, but I shove at his arm to wake him up.

"Hardin, it's noon. Get up." I jolt out of bed and quickly throw on a robe so I can answer the door. Before Hardin can even respond, I'm out of the bedroom heading towards the door.

"Hey!" Landon smiles at me once I open the door. I know I probably look like a flustered mess, and I notice the change in his facial expression when he sees me. "I'm sorry, are we interrupting something?"

"No, no. Sorry. I just wasn't expecting anybody."

"We talked about it yesterday..." Nora mentions with a confused expression. I must have forgotten since I was so... occupied... with Hardin last night.

"I forgot. I'm sorry."

"We can come back another time if you want, but now is perfect since neither of us are working and Addy here is asleep."

"No, no... come in." I gesture for them to enter my home. I can't believe I forgot that they were coming, it's very unlike me. I think about to last night before they left and attempt to recall if they said anything.


"He'll come..." I assured my best friends. There was no way that Hardin would stand me up on his own birthday.

"It's getting kind of late, Tess." Landon looked at his watch, and nervously at his wife.

"Just a bit more."

Nora grabbed onto my hand. "Okay, fine. Don't freak out. If he doesn't come back tonight, we can just meet up tomorrow."

"Yeah... yeah you're right."

"Let's say noon then." Nora told me, and I agreed.


"Tessa, come back to bed. I'm cold and lonely without you." Hardin strolls out of our bedroom room, rubbing his eyes and completely shirtless. His eyes widen as he sights Nora and Landon sitting on the couch. I can tell Hardin's mortified for saying something so lovey-dovey in front of his stepbrother.

"There he is! Happy Birthday, man." Landon walks over and pats Hardin on the back. "We were here last night, but you came back so late that we couldn't wait up."

"It's fine. I'm gonna go... get dressed." Hardin says as he sprints back to the bedroom.

"Hurry back! We'll be cold and lonely without you." He shouts back, and I slap Landon on the shoulder. I know Hardin is going to give Landon an earful when he comes back out. If he comes back out...

"You're asking for an ass kicking babe." Nora laughs and throws a fake punch through the air.

"Tessa would never let him kick my ass. Isn't that right?" He turns to me, but I just lift my hands.

"I don't know, Landon. It is his birthday, and that was a pretty punchable thing to say."

"Anyway..." Landon redirects the conversation. "Any chance you told him what we told you yesterday? About us moving and everything."

"I did." I don't want to think about my two best friends leaving me and moving three hours away. My mind still can't wrap around a world where Landon isn't just a five minute drive from me. Even when we first met, we were always close in distance. We haven't been far apart for a permanent time ever. It'll be such a harsh change, especially at such a pivotal time in my life.

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