Chapter 55: Hardin

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"Daddy!" My little princess runs up to me, her blonde hair flowing in the wind. I take her in my arms, and spin her around as she giggles in appreciation. "Can you push me on the swing?"

"Sure." I chuckle deeply, carrying her over to our swing set Tessa got her for Christmas. I place her in the swing, and she screams in glee. She is so enthusiastic about everything, so full of life. Just like her Mum.

"Push me!" She shakes her legs as I push her on the swing. "Higher, higher!"

"If I push you any harder, you'll fly off the swing."

Her laugh fills my ears, and it's one of the sweetest sounds. I cannot believe there was ever a time in which I didn't want children. I cannot believe there was a time where I didn't want marriage. I was so fucking stupid, but to be honest, I didn't know what I was missing out on. This child and her mother are my entire world, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"It's dinner time!" Tessa yells from inside the house.

I stop pushing her, only to hear a loud whine. "I don't want to go inside yet!"

"It's time for dinner." I tell her. She reminds me of myself as a child; never did what I was told, but at least she's adorable. I was not in the slightest.

"We can come back out once we eat. Now come." I lift her out of the swing, and she grabs my hand as we walk back inside. Her hand is so small compared to mine, so I just let her grab onto one of my fingers. She squeezes tightly.

When we walk in, Tessa is putting some green beans and broccoli onto her plate. It's important to Tess that her daughter eats well, and it's important to me too, but I guess it's not important to our child. If she could have things her way, she would eat chicken nuggets and pizza every night.

"Vegetables! Yucky!" Her face squishes in disgust.

"They're good for you." Tessa places the food in front of her, but she pushes it away. "You have to eat your vegetables." Tessa pushes the plate back, but she crosses her arms and shakes her head.

Tessa looks to me for help, and I don't really know what to do.

"You need to eat these before you get your chicken nuggets."

We used to give her vegetables with her unhealthy food, but she would eat the unhealthy food, then claim she was too full to eat her vegetables. Smart girl, but not smart enough for her parents.

She looks at me with those doe eyes that her mother also has. "But Daddy, I don't want to eat them." I look to Tessa, since her and I both know I can't say no to those eyes.

"You get what you get and you don't get upset." Tessa says, pushing the plate towards her one last time. "Vegetables and then chicken nuggets."

"Uncle Landon lets Addy have chicken nuggets without vegetables!" Our daughter wines.

"That's because Addy eats vegetables for lunch, unlike you who insists on having grilled cheese every day." Tessa laughs.

She begins to sob. "I hate you! I wish I had better parents that would give me good food!" She cried as she ran out of the kitchen.

"I hate to admit it, but she puts on a damn good show." I laugh, but I can tell that Tessa is stressing out. She sighs into her hands on the counter.

"It'll get easier." I place my hand on her back and begin to rub gently.

"She hates us, Hardin. She hates us for wanting her to eat vegetables."

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