Chapter 16: Hardin

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"She said what!" I scream loudly. I don't even give a fuck who hears me. I cannot believe what I'm hearing now.

"Yeah, so as you can probably tell, Tessa's not too happy about it." Nora rolls her eyes. Looks like she's mad at me.

"That little bitch." I thrash my body around, but all I get is sharp pain in my stomach.

"Well, is it true?" Kim asks with an attitude. Fuck, she's pissed at me too.

"Of course not! I would never cheat on Tessa with that fucking whore, or anyone. Are you kidding me!?"

Kim and Nora don't seem to believe what I'm saying.

"Tessa knows that, but what she was more upset about was the fact that you told this random woman everything about your personal lives."

"I didn't!" I yell, but then think back to those nights I would spend talking with her. Did I ever tell her personal shit? I told her about my fucked up family, and all my problems about Tessa, but that's already public knowledge.

"Then how did she know, Hardin!?" Kim throws her hands in my air, getting more angry by the second, but so am I.

"I wrote a book about it! Everyone knows!" I yell, and that causes them both to slink back. "Did you ever consider that?"

"Oh..." Nora looks embarrassed that she didn't think about that.

"She knew about stuff you didn't write in your book... well, I think she did."

"You two are really fucking unbelieveable. You let Tessa stand there and listen to the bullshit spewing out of Lucy's mouth!?"

"Hey!" Kim widens her eyes to me. "That doesn't mean you're entirely innocent here! Did you complain to her about Tessa?"

I peel my eyes away from their intense stares.

"Answer the fucking question, Hardin. Lucy said you were getting really annoyed and impatient with Tessa with all the pregnancy issues, plus her not wanting to get married." Nora chimes in.

"No, no I didn't..." Did I? I don't even remember.

"Really? During the entire time that you two have been together in the past four years, you never once said a bad thing about Tessa to this Lucy girl?"

"No." I respond again.

"You weren't frustrated with her refusal to marry you, plus all the failed attempts at getting pregnant? Something didn't slip?  You didn't crack?" Nora's eyes are piercing my soul right now, and I can tell she can see how nervous I'm growing.

"I don't remember, honestly..."

"I know you do, Hardin. What the fuck!" Kim smacks my arm, and I wince in pain.

"Ow! I'm in a hospital you fucking psycho!" I scold Kim for hitting me while I am lying in an immense amount of pain from this surgery.

"You talked shit about Tessa!" She yells back, not feeling any remorse for the pain she just caused me.

"I don't know! Maybe I did!" I admit, and they nod, obviously not surprised.

I really don't know for sure, but I do remember one time I was venting to Lucy about how Tessa couldn't get pregnant. I said some things I didn't mean, but at the time I thought that it would've stayed between the two of us.

"You're an asshole." Nora shakes her head. "Tessa has never once said a bad word about you since you came back into her life. She is always so quick to defend you, yet you were talking shit about her with another woman! I'm surprised she even spoke to you just now."

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