Chapter 94: Hardin

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I can't believe this last minute plan actually worked. Getting stuck in this hotel was a blessing in disguise for many reasons. It allowed me to speak my truth with Stacy and also get to know her a little better. I still feel like an asshole for how I treated her when she was going through some shit, but that's not my fucking fault. I didn't fucking know! I was also able to put together a nice night for Tessa and me. I couldn't have pulled this all together in three hours by myself, I needed some help.

"Are you going to tell me how this all happened?" Tessa asks as the elevator passes each floor.

"Well first, I called Vance..."


"Vance, could you do me one last favor?" I asked, praying he would say yes.


"I'm glad you said that because I'm in quite a dilemma here."

"What did you do?" He immediately accused me of doing something. Fucking shocker.

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you assume the worst about me, but your assumption is correct." I hear him chuckle. "It's a long story, but I need a room in the Marriott Hotel on West 34th Street in Midtown."

"Why do you need me to do it?"

"Because according to them, they are all booked up, but I know you can pull some strings and get me a nice room in this place."

"I can try my best, but are you going to explain to me what's going on?"

"I'm trapped at a hotel due to a storm and I'm trying to get a room for Tessa and me. Let's just say, I owe Tessa an amazing night, so please."

"Give me a second." He hung up immediately, and I said a little prayer as I waited for him to call back.

Minutes ticked by slowly as I stood in the crowded lobby. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion. The snow had just stopped, so people were beginning to clear out. I could try to get us a different hotel, but I don't feel like walking around New York City in the freezing cold looking for one.

Vance called me back after about five minutes. "Well?" I shouted into the phone.

"You're all set. Room number 30G under my name."

"30G? That's the top floor! I can't afford that." I shoved my head into my hands.

"It's on me." He offered. "I also ordered a bottle of sparkling cider to the room because I know Tessa can't drink."

"Wow..." I didn't know what to say. "Uh... thank you. I owe you one."

"Stop it. You don't owe me anything. You were able to get a huge name on your book, that's enough reason for me to do this for you." I thought he was finished, but he continued. "You and Tessa are family, so anything you two need at any price, I'll always be here to help."

I was uncomfortable with Vance being so nice to me, as I usually am with other people. "Okay." Is all I could muster. I should've said the same thing, but I didn't think I would ever be comfortable enough to tell him that.

"Have a nice night, and fix whatever you did wrong."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance and hung up the phone. I will never be one hundred percent comfortable with Vance like I was once before I found out the news, but when he did that kind gesture and called me family, it did make me feel something for him.

I walked over to the reception desk to retrieve my key. The man working looked very overwhelmed as I approached. He probably expected me to ask about vacant rooms even though there were supposedly none left. I gave him the name, and he told me the room would be ready soon. The couple currently there was supposed to check out in an hour, and they needed to clean the room before we could stay in it.

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