Chapter 61: Hardin

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"Congratulations! You're having a girl!" The doctor exclaimed, clapping her hands together in glee. My mind wasn't processing information. It's was way too much at once.

Tessa's halfway through her pregnancy with a baby girl. I couldn't control the tears pouring out of my eyes if I wanted to. They came relentlessly, mainly from the fact that Tessa was crying as well.

"A girl!" She leaned over, kissing my hand. I returned the gesture by kissing her forehead.

"I've seen many couples pass through my office doors, but I think you two are the strongest couple I've ever met. It's beautiful to see, honestly, and it's why I do my job. Seeing the faces of a young couple when they see their baby, it's priceless."

Tessa thanked the doctor as she sat up on the table, but my mind was too cluttered to even speak.

"Ms. Young, if you would please strip your pants and underwear and put this over you." She held up a thin sheet. "Let's give her some time to change." She gestured for me to follow her out of the room, leaving Tessa to change.

I could barely get my feet to walk out of that room. My mind was consumed with the image of a baby girl... a small baby girl.


"Mr. Scott." The doctor touches my shoulder to bring me back to reality. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Better than fine. Great." I look to her with a smile, but her facial expression is very serious.

"Mr. Scott, I thought I would talk to you about this privately, without your girlfriend."

"Wife." I correct her. It was probably a dick move to say it, but she's my wife now, and I want the world to know it.

She awkwardly forces a smile. "As you heard me say, your baby is smaller than most babies are at this stage of pregnancy. I would just like you to keep an eye on your wife, make sure she's eating enough and getting all the proper nutrients she should be. I remember her pregnancy issues from a while ago, and I would hate to see things not work out for the two of you."

"I thought that you said that the size wasn't a concern."

"At this moment, it's not a huge concern, but it could quickly turn into one. I don't want Ms. Young to be worrying too much about this because stress isn't good for the baby, just make sure she's taking care of herself."

"I always do." I assure her.

"I don't want to downplay how serious this is either because if the baby doesn't grow..." She pauses. "Let's just say, the baby needs to start growing more. I don't mean to worry you, but I would rather talk to you about this than to your wife... you know, because of last time. I don't want her to give up."

The terrifying part is the fact that we've had this conversation before. We had been struggling to get pregnant, and Dr. Henry was running out of ways to help us get there. Tessa was so close to giving up, and I didn't blame her. It had been two hard years of constant negative results. It must have been absolutely devastating for her, but Dr. Henry pulled me in the hallway and told me to keep an eye on Tessa and to make sure she stays positive, like what she did just now. It was a terrifying conversation to have with a doctor. No one wants to be told to keep an eye on their significant other. I remember the nights I would stay up watching Tessa to make sure she was okay. Those two years were the hardest of our life, and I knew the constant disappointment was piling up on her. She tried to act strong, but I know her better than anyone, and I knew she was not okay.

"The best thing Ms. Young can do is have a positive mindset going through this pregnancy. She already passed the halfway mark, so consider that a huge milestone." She places her hand on my shoulder. "I'll give you two a moment alone before I go back in."

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