Chapter 75: Hardin

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Who would have thought my entire trip could've been ruined with both the best and worst news. I don't know how I'm gonna tell Tessa that our honeymoon trip to France can no longer happen. As I was getting forks and napkins for us to use, I got a phone call from Vance. He wouldn't fucking stop calling me, so I had to assume it was urgent.


"Hardin! It's about time you answered!" Vance yelled into the phone. I finally answered his seventh attempt at calling me in the past five minutes.

"You know, when I don't answer, it usually means that I'm busy. When a person calls that many times, it better be a fucking emergency." I snapped.

"I have amazing news! I believe that your newest story is ready to begin the editing stage."

"What?" I whisper in shock. I didn't even know what I gave Vance was being considered to be published yet.

"My peers and I have read it and think it would do well with the public. My editors are looking over it right now, and I would say it would be set to release within the next three to four months."

He said all of this with so much excitement, but this amazing opportunity could not come at a worse time.

"Isn't this amazing, Hardin!?" Vance said enthusiastically when I don't respond. "You were so worried of this book not being good enough, but everyone thought it was great!"

"It's great news... it just couldn't come at a worse time."

"What do you mean? Because Tessa's pregnant?"

"No shit because she's pregnant. She would be very pregnant by that time."

I remembered the last time I went on a crazy book tour, and it took so much of my time away from Tessa. Nearly every weekend was dedicated to doing something to promote my book whether it was an interview or a signing. I rarely got to see her, and I could tell it affected her. She would come to some of the interviews, and she excelled in them, but I still was so busy. My publicist Stacy was up my ass the whole fucking time. Now with her being pregnant, I don't think I would be able to make the same commitments.

"I understand that things might be more complicated now since Tessa is now pregnant, but I think that this is a great opportunity, and I don't think we should wait. It's been nearly two years since you released your last book Hardin."

"I know, I know." I groaned and ran my hands through my hair, which is something I tend to do when I'm nervous. I knew this was an opportunity that I couldn't refuse, but I am fearful of what Tessa's reaction will be.

"Well, you have a meeting with Stacy on Thursday at 1:30 at the office so don't be late."

"Thursday? As in three days from now?"

"Yeah. She wanted to meet with you soon to go over plans for the next three months. I don't think she's aware that Tessa is pregnant, so I would inform her of that before she starts scheduling you for events."

I had almost forgotten how hectic the life of an author was. I enjoyed it because it kept me busy, but now I have a busy fucking life, so this was the last thing I needed at that moment.

"I don't know... I'm really tired and definitely not in the mindset to be talking about this right now."

"You're tired? It should only be 1:30 by you?"

Oh fuck, I didn't tell him I'm not home.

"I'm not home. I'm in England."

I heard Vance begin to choke on something through the phone. His coughs were violent, and he's gasping for air. "Jesus, are you okay?" I asked.

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