Chapter 100: Tessa

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"Thank you so much for squeezing me in. I have quite a lot of things to get off my chest." I push through the large glass door into Patty's office. I love how she decorates the place with such vibrant colors that make the world look bright even on a gloomy day like today.

"It's nice to see you again, Ms. Young." She shakes my hand, and I sit on the large sofa.

"I honestly don't even know where to begin..."

"Well, first let me say you are glowing. Pregnancy definitely suits you, darling." She articulates with her thick British accent.

"Thank you so much. No matter how big my stomach gets, it's still unreal." I look down at my growing belly. It looks like it's getting bigger each day.

"How have you been adjusting to pregnant life?" She questions.

"At first, not well. We weren't expecting this, so when we found out I was pregnant, we were both excited yet terribly nervous because of the miscarriage that happened so recently."

"Oh you had a miscarriage? I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how hard you and your boyfriend have been trying to have a baby."

"Husband now, actually."

"Wow!" She laughs. "Congratulations! Why don't I just button up and let you tell me everything that's been going on within the past two years."

"The miscarriage and marriage are the main things, but Hardin and I have been going through a rough patch recently, I guess. We just seem to be fighting and crying one day, then being all happy and lovey-dovey the next. It's a rollercoaster, and these pregnancy hormones aren't helping."

"Where do these arguments usually stem from?"

"They range anywhere from this pregnancy, to our marriage, to our exes, to our jobs. Everything and anything that could possibly be discussed between two partners is on the table."

"You two argue over your pregnancy? What do you argue about?"

I take a deep breath, ready to tell her the whole freaking story. "I just keep going through these pits of depression when it comes to this pregnancy. I kept thinking that a miscarriage was going to happen, and if it did, I was going to have Hardin leave so he can find someone to give him a child. That whole plan didn't make him happy.

"I mean, do you blame him? You're his wife telling him that you don't want to be with him, no man wants to hear that."

"I just didn't want to disappoint him anymore. I couldn't give him what he wanted."

"How far along are you in your pregnancy?" Patty asks me.

"About six and a half months."

"You're in the final stretch, Tessa. I wouldn't be worried about that now." She smiles warmly.

"We got over that hump, thankfully. We got over a majority of our humps, but the newest hump has to do with his work. Hardin is in the middle of publishing his next book, but he would have to do press right when our daughter is born."

"I see..." She writes something down on her little pad. It always makes me nervous when therapists do that.

"I'm just not sure what he can do to please me and his boss, who also happens to be his father."

"His father is his boss? Do you think he could talk to his father about how he feels regarding this?"

"I suppose so... that's actually a really smart idea." Of course Hardin should just talk to Christian about this. I'm sure he would understand, as he is a father himself. Maybe I can talk to Kim about it and she can talk to him too.

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